MONKEY MAJIK A.I. am Human english translation

MONKEY MAJIK A.I. am Human song lyrics
MONKEY MAJIK A.I. am Human translation
I must be crazy
I must be crazy
騙だま さないで 悪わる い 夢ゆめ?
don't cheat me. is this a bad dream?
My sweat is on the floor
My sweat is on the floor
Can't believe it
Can't believe it
I must be dreaming
I must be dreaming
where is here?
僕ぼく は 誰だれ なんだ
who am I?
怪あや しげに
歪ゆが む 天井てんじょう
a warped ceiling
A power out of this world
A power out of this world
Can't control it
Can't control it
I'm only human
I'm only human
振ふ り 向む かず
I didn't look around
そして 走はし るんだ
And I ran away
The lonely human
The lonely human
Was blessed with power
Was blessed with power
夢ゆめ も 希望きぼう も 何なに も 必要ひつよう ない
I don't need dreams or hopes or anything else
「 生い きるんだ」 何なん の 為ため に?
what is the reason of "living"
未いま だ 見み ぬ 未来みらい の 為ため
for the future still unknown

この 世よ の 果は てで 包つつ みこまれる
we can envelop the ends of the earth
闇やみ を 切き り 裂さ くその 光ひかり となろう
let's be the light that cuts through darkness
A.I. と Human
A.I. and Human
There's so much power
There's so much power
こんな 僕ぼく にも 世界救せかいすく えるかな
can someone like me save the world?
戦たたか おう 愛あい の 為ため に
let's fight for love's sake
そして 生い きている 意味いみ を 見み つけたい
so I want to find the meaning of living
この 世よ の 果は てで 包つつ みこまれる
we can envelop the ends of the earth
闇やみ を 切き り 裂さ くその 光ひかり となろう
let's be the light that cuts through darkness
速はや く 速はや く 加速かそく する 止と まらない
quickly, quickly speed up and don't stop
「あとは 勇気ゆうき だけだ」
"you're just brave"
Only one lighting my world
Only one lighting my world
I must be crazy
I must be crazy
騙だま さないで
don't fool me
悪わる い 夢ゆめ?
is this a bad dream?
My sweat is on the floor
My sweat is on the floor
Can't believe it
Can't believe it
I must be dreaming
I must be dreaming
where is here?
僕ぼく は 誰だれ なんだ
who am I?
怪あや しげに
歪ゆが む 天井てんじょう
a warped ceiling
A power out of this world
A power out of this world
Can't control it
Can't control it
I'm only human
I'm only human
振ふ り 向む かず
I didn't look around

そして 走はし るんだ
And I ran away