Rahmat Siapa di hatimu english translation

Rahmat Siapa di hatimu song lyrics
Rahmat Siapa di hatimu translation
Terasa bagai ditusuk sembilu bisa
Feel like a stab wound can be
Pedihnya entah bila akan terhenti
It's gonna be either when it's going to stop
Berkasih di rimba asmara berapi
Born in a jungle romance
Terbakar hanya ku sendiri
Burned only by myself
Oh mengapa?.
Oh why ?.

Kemana hilang janji dan sumpah setia
Where the lost promise and the oath of loyalty
Kemana tumpah selaut harum kasturi
Where is the spicy salute spilled?
Apakah mungkin kan terulang kembali
Is it possible to recur
Asyiknya cinta bagai dulu?
How sweet is it?

Atau serapuhnya mimpi yang pulang pagi?
Or is it a dream come home early in the morning?

Semakin ingin aku lupakan
The more I want to forget it
Dan semakin bayang wajahmu kan menjelma
And the more the shadow of your face is transformed

Dimana kah puncanya derita
Where is the cause of suffering?
Ku sendiri tidak pasti, sayang.
Myself is not sure, baby.

Siapa merebut seri cinta
Who seizes the love series
Waktu aku buka jendela
When I opened the window
Dikeheningan pagi indah
Cool morning

Siapa sejambak mawar merah
Who is a bouquet of red roses
Harum dikamar hatimu
Harum is in your heart
Hingga diriku disingkirkan
Until I was removed
Redup senja dikaki malam
Twilight twilight night
Menghilangkan warnai lalang
Eliminate color barn
Dan cinta kini bagaikan berkasihan mimpi
And love is now a dream