Ramy Gamal مالناش الا بعض english translation

Ramy Gamal مالناش الا بعض song lyrics
Ramy Gamal مالناش الا بعض translation
إحنا مالناش إلا بعض
We have no-one but each other
بوعدك من الليلة وعد
I promise you from this night
مش هعيش من غير هواك
I won't live without your love
يا اللي دُنيتي معاك إتغيرت فرقت كتير
Who with you. My life is changed
العيون دي حنينين طول ما هما قريبين
These eyes are very nice as long as they are near
فرحتي بتملى المكان ببقى حاسس بالأمان
My happiness fill the place and feel safety
لأ بقى الموضوع كبير
No, the subject is big
جِتلي منين هموت وأعرف أكيد إنت من الجنه
Where are you come to me!.i will die and know that but surely you are come from the paradise
عايزلي سنين عشان أوصف حلاوة اللي حصل بنا
I must have alot of years to describe a beautiful which it happened between us
جِتلي منين هموت وأعرف أكيد إنت من الجنه
Where are you come to me!.i will die and know that but surely you are come from the paradise
عايزلي سنين عشان أوصف حلاوة اللي حصل بنا
I must have alot of years to describe a beautiful which it happened between us
خد هنا قرب قوام
Come here! And be near from me quickly
من سكات من غير كلام
With silence and without any words
سيب قمرنا يدلنا على الطريق ويقولنا
Left the moon descripe to us the way and said to us
نمشي فين ونعمل إيه
Where we have to go?!. And what we should to do?
انت كل اللي عليك من النهاردة تسيب إيديك
All of you should to do from this day leave your hands
بعدي عنك برفضه والملايكة بيشهدوا
Beyond you i refuse this and Angles behold that
على اللي روحي حاسه بيه
On which my soul feel that
جِتلي منين هموت وأعرف أكيد إنت من الجنه
Where are you come to me!.i will die and know that but surely you are come from the paradise
عايزلي سنين عشان أوصف حلاوة اللي حصل بنا
I must have alot of years to describe a beautiful which it happened between us
جِتلي منين هموت وأعرف أكيد إنت من الجنه
Where are you come to me!.i will die and know that but surely you are come from the paradise
عايزلي سنين عشان أوصف حلاوة اللي حصل بنا
I must have alot of years to describe a beautiful which it happened between us