Rasmus Seebach Sandstorm english translation

Rasmus Seebach Sandstorm song lyrics
Rasmus Seebach Sandstorm translation
Du ved det nok ikk' endnu
You probably don't know it yet
Men vi to bli'r gift en dag
But the two off us will get married someday
Det har jeg ihvertfald lovet mig selv
That is at least what i've promised myself
Du si'r du er glad for ham
You say you like him
Men sig ikk' det er det samm'
But don't you say it's the same
som duuuu og jeg
As you and I
Jeg tror kærligheden den finder vej
I think the love will find its way
I en sandstorm
In a sandstorm
Men du har aldrig tro'et på mer'
But you've never believed that there's more
Mellem himmel og jord
Between the sky and the earth

Okay, så gå hvis du vil
Okay, then leave if you want to
Det der det' skuespil
That is acting
Du glemmer hvor godt jeg kender dit blik
You're forgetting how well I know your glance
Du si'r
You say
Det bare minder
That it's just memories
Og minder forsvinder
And memories disappear
Selv dem om dig og mig
Even those between you and I
Jeg tror kærligheden den finder vej
I think the love will find its way
I en samstorm
In a sandstorm
Du har aldrig tro'et på mer'
You've never believed that there's more
Mellem himmel og jord
Between the sky and the earth

Men hvis ikk' det skulle være skæbnen
But if it isn't fate
Så foklar mig lig' det stjerneskud
Then explain that falling star to me
Hvis du virkelig har glemt det
If you've really forgotten it
Sig mig hva' er det så du mærker nu?
Then tell me, then what is it that you're feeling now?
Vi to vi var vanvid
The two of us were insane
Baby, på den anden sid'
Baby, on the other side
Sig mig vi ikk' havde det sjovt
Tell me we didn't have fun
Hvis ikk' det sku' være skæbnen
If it isn't fate
Hvorfor står jeg så med din hånd i min
Then why am I standing with your hand in mine

Tænk at få år sid'n
Think, that a few years ago
Ved den her årstid
Around this time of the year
Var du og jeg på vej til Paris
You and I were on our way to Paris
Ved du hvis du vil
Do you know that if you want to
ku' vi gi' det et skud til
We could give it another shot
Vi kan stadig nå at stikke af
We've still got time to run off
Jeg tror kærligheden den finder vej
I think the love will find its way
I en sandstorm
In a sandstorm
Men du har aldrig tro'et på mer'
But you've never believed that there's more
Mellem himmel og jord
Between the sky and the earth

Men hvis ikk' det sku' være skæbnen
But if it isn't fate
Så forklar mig lig' det stjerneskud
Then explain that falling star to me
Hvis du virkelig har glemt det
If you've really forgotten it
Sig mig hvad er det så du mærker nu?
Then tell me, what is it that you're feeling now?
Vi to vi var vanvid
The two of us were insane
Baby på den anden side
Baby, on the other side
Sig mig vi ikk' havd' det sjovt
Tell me we didn't have fun
Hvis ikk' det sku' vær' skæbnen
If it isn't fate
Hvorfor står jeg så med din hånd i min
Then why am I standing with your hand in mine

Du ved det nok ikk' endnu
You probably don't know it yet
Men vi to bli'r gift en dag
But the two off us will get married someday
Det har jeg ihvertfald lovet mig selv
That is at least what i've promised myself
Du si'r du' glad for ham
You say you like him
Men sig ikk' det er det samm'
But don't you say it's the same
Som duuu og jeg
As you and i
Jeg tror at kærligheden den finder vej
I think that love will find its way
I en sandstorm
In a sandstorm
Men du har aldrig tro'et på mer'
But you've never believed that there's more
Mellem himmel og jord
Between the sky and the earth

Men hvis ikk det sku' vær' skæbnen
But if it isn't fate
Så forklar mig lig' det' stjernskud
Then explain that falling star to me
Hvis du virkelig har glemt det
If you've really forgotten it
Sig mig hva' er det så du mærker nu?
Then tell me, then what is it that you're feeling now?
(Sig mig hvad er det så du mærker nu?)
Then tell me, what is it that you're feeling now?
Vi to vi var vanvid
The two of us were insane
Baby, på den anden siden
Baby, on the other side
Sig mig vi ikk' havd' det sjovt
Tell me we didn't have fun
Hvis ikk' det sku' vær' skæbnen
If it isn't fate
Hvorfor står jeg så med din hånd i min?
Then why am I standing with your hand in mine
Hvorfor gi'r du ikk' slip
Why don't you let go?