Ronald Borjas Cántalo english translation

Ronald Borjas Cántalo song lyrics
Ronald Borjas Cántalo translation
cántalo, expresa tu alegría
Sing it, express your happiness
una linda melodía que anima el corazón
A pretty melody that cheers up the heart
vívelo siempre en el presente
Live it always in the present
celebra con tu gente entregale tu amor
Celebrate with your people give it your love

cada día es un chance de tomar
Every day is a chance to take
la mejor decisión para cumplir tus sueños
The best decision to accomplish your dreams
nada es imposible si lo crees posible
Nothing is impossible if you believe it possible
inspírate, convéncete de lo que puede ser
Get inspired, and convince yourself of what could be
para volver a nacer y lo imposible tener
To be born again and the impossible have
tienes que cambiar todo lo que fuiste
You have to change everything you were
ser diferente
Be different
para más grande pensar y tu semilla sembrar
To think bigger and your seed plant
despréndete con paciencia de lo que pueda pasar
Disconnect your patience from what could happen

cántalo, expresa tu alegría
Sing it, express your happiness
una linda melodía que anima el corazón
A pretty melody that cheers up the heart
vívelo siempre en el presente
Live it always in the present
celebra con tu gente entregale tu amor
Celebrate with your people give it your love

siempre encontrarás una oportunidad
You will always find an opportunity
anima tu mente, vamo' a celebrar
Cheer your mind, let's celebrate
la vida es más bonita si la haces hermosa
Life is prettier if you make it beautiful
imaginando cosas
Imagining things
que se harán realidad
That will become reality
para volver a nacer y lo imposible tener
To be born again and the impossible have
tienes que cambiar todo lo que fuiste
You have to change everything you were
ser diferente
Be different
para más grande pensar y tu semilla sembrar
To think bigger and your seed plant
despréndete con paciencia de lo que pueda pasar
Disconnect your patience from what could happen

Sing it
anda cántalo, expresa tu alegría
Go sing it, express your happiness
una linda melodía que anima el corazón
A pretty melody that cheers up the heart
y anima tu corazón
And cheer your heart up
vívelo siempre en el presente
Live it always in the present
celebra con tu gente entregale tu amor
Celebrate with your people give it your love
aannda lelelelele lalalalalalala
Go lelele lalalalala
cántalo, expresa tu alegría
Sing it, express your happiness
siente la vida y olvidate de todo que la vida es preciosa y vamos a gozar cantalo
Feel life and forget everything that life because life is precious and let's go enjoy singing it
oyeme escuchame
Listen to be, hear me
vive dia a dia lo que la vida te brinda
Live day by day what life gives you
que la vida es una sola y cantalo
Because life is one and only and sing it
cantalo cantalo
Sing it, sing it
eee aprietame
Ehhh squeeze it
cantalo expresa tu alegría
Sing it, express your happiness
una linda melodía que anima el corazón
A pretty melody that cheers up the heart
vívelo siempre en el presente
Live it always in the present
celebra con tu gente entregale tu amor
Celebrate with your people give it your love