Siddharta Premladi english translation

Siddharta Premladi song lyrics
Siddharta Premladi translation
Nevarne so minute, ko mesto nima zraka
Dangerous are the minutes, when the city doesn't have air
Nastavili smo ure, da smo kure z mal kulture
We continued the hours, that we're crazy with little culture
Kupili bomo sanje, tak vsi bolj malo spijo
We will buy dreams, so that everyone sleeps a little more
In ženskemu telesu???
And women's body???

Lepotec na igrišču, stoji in nemo čaka
Beauty on the playground, standing and not waiting
Noben ga ne obišče, digitalna je napaka
Nobody visits her, the error is digital
Pokvarjeni odnosi, kje so misli razvozdane
Broken relationships, where the thoughts of development are
Ustvarili smo rane
We made wounds
Ustvarili smo rane!
We made wounds

Premladi smo
We are too young
Da bi zgorel
To burn
Preden bi razumel
Before I could understand
Premladi smo
We are too young
Da ne bi norel
To not be crazy
Da ne bi doživel
To not experience

Predali so nam znanje, preverimo še sanje
They gave us the knowledge, let's still check the dreams
Ker muzika nevesta ne bo cesta v zapor
Because the bride's music won't be a road to jail
Razgaljen do obisti bom objel tudi vraja
I will get rid of it too
Nikol ne bomo čisti, ti si gola, jaz sem nor
We won't clean anywhere, you're naked, I'm crazy
Ti gola, a jaz nor
You're naked, and I'm crazy
Ti gola, a jaz nor!
You're naked, and I'm crazy

Premladi smo
We are too young
Da bi zgorel
To burn
Preden bi razumel
Before I could understand
Premladi smo
We are too young
Da ne bi norel
To not be crazy
Da ne bi doživel
To not experience

Premladi smo-o-o
We are too young
Da bi zgorel
To burn
Preden bi razumel
Before I could understand
Premladi smo-o-o
We are too young
Da ne bi norel
To not be crazy
Da ne bi doživel
To not experience