The Innocence Mission Songs Lyrics

Album: "My Room In the Trees" (2010)

Album: "Street Map" (2009)

Album: "We Walked in Song" (2007)

Album: "One for Sorrow, Two for Joy" (2004)

Album: "Now the Day Is Over" (2004)

Album: "Befriended" (2003)

Album: "Small Planes" (2001)

Album: "Christ Is My Hope" (2000)

Album: "Birds of My Neighborhood" (1999)

Album: "Bright as Yellow" (1995)

Album: "Glow" (1995)

Album: "Umbrella" (1991)

Album: "If We Give You This CD, Will You be Our Best Friend?" (1991)

Album: "The Innocence Mission" (1989)