Tipe-X Hujan english translation

Tipe-X Hujan song lyrics
Tipe-X Hujan translation
Biarkan hujan basahi bumi
Let the rain wet the earth
Basahi semua mimpi yang pernah mati
Wet all dreams that once died
Biarkan berkembang, tumbuh, dan bersemi
Let it grow, grow, and blossom
Semua bunga-bunga negeriku ini
All the flowers of my country

Dinginnya hujan sadarkan kita
Cold rain is conscious of us
Terlalu lama
Too long
kita tlah terpenjara
we are imprisoned
Diam tak berdaya terbakar mentari
Silent powerless sunburned
Hingga tak mampu teriakkan kata hati
Until not able to shout conscience

Derasnya hujan dendangkan harapan
The rain is hard to expect
Hadirkan indahnya satu perubahan
Bring a beautiful change
Karna negeriku, kau tetap negeriku
Because my country, you stay my country
Kan kujaga slalu agar aku tak jemu
I'll keep you so I'm not tired

Sudah saatnya bangun dari semua mimpi-mimpi
It's time to wake up from all the dreams
Sudah saatnya berdiri di kaki sendiri
It's time to stand on your feet
Sudah saatnya tuk coba mulai perbaiki
It's time to try to start fixing
Jangan tumpuk keinginan dan simpan di hati
Do not pile up the desire and keep it in your heart

Sudah saatnya bangun dari semua mimpi-mimpi
It's time to wake up from all the dreams
Sudah saatnya berdiri di kaki sendiri
It's time to stand on your feet
Sudah saatnya tuk coba mulai perbaiki
It's time to try to start fixing
Jangan tumpuk keinginan dan simpan di hati
Do not pile up the desire and keep it in your heart

Harusnya sadar hujan pun pasti akan berhenti
It should be aware that the rain will stop
Harusnya sadar masa sulit pun pasti berakhir
It should be aware that even the hard times must end
Jangan biarkan mentari terus membakar hati
Do not let the sun keep burning
Jangan padamkan semangat di jiwa ini
Do not extinguish the spirit in this soul

Biarkan hujan basahi bumi
Let the rain wet the earth
Biarkan negeri tercintaku bernyanyi
Let my beloved country sing