T.M.Revolution Naked Arms english translation

T.M.Revolution Naked Arms song lyrics
T.M.Revolution Naked Arms translation
興(おこ)した夢を 貫ける
all those dreams all of my hope are life come undone
霞んだ世界に 昇る太陽
in a world beaten and broken I can see a rising sun

灼熱 ここに極まれり
burning down,scorching the earth,nowhere left to hide
激しいままで 潮流(ながれ)を変えて
Try to stop all this destruction, find a way turn the tide
陽(ひかり)と陰(かげ)の 絆を照らす
reveal the bond that's made between the light and the shade

消えない月が白く灼けて 傷のような夜明け
shining white and hot moon so unforgiving the break of day will leave a scar
くれてやっても構わぬ明日 今日また抱えて
nothing we believe can project us from tomorrow enjoy today from where we are

ゆらり揺らめく 胸の淵の 陽炎は
Hilarious swaying chest deep sweetness
終焉(おわ)りかけても 己を焦がす煌めき
The spark that burns yourself even after the end (hill)
乗るかそるか この拳(て)の許(もと)に
To ride or to fly this fist

興(おこ)した夢を 貫ける
all those dreams all of my hope are life come undone
霞んだ世界に 昇る太陽
in a world beaten and broken I can see a rising sun

灼熱 ここに極まれり
burning down,scorching the earth,nowhere left to hide
激しいままで 潮流(ながれ)を変えて
Try to stop all this destruction, find a way turn the tide
陽(ひかり)と陰(かげ)の 絆を照らす
reveal the bond that's made between the light and the shade

一寸先は闇がイイね 何処でも往(い)かれて
The darkness is good for a while before going anywhere
転がり堕ちて見上げる空 遠さに魅かれる
Fascinated by the empty distance looking up and falling down

はらはら散りぬ 想い映す水鏡
I do not want scattering miraculous mirrors
出逢い別れて 競う者の結末(ゆくすえ)は
The ending of those who meet and meet each other (Yukusuke) is
花も嵐 天のみぞ知る
Only the flowers will know the stormy sky

見果てぬ夢の その先へ
To the end of an uncharacteristic dream
命は時代に 咲かす火華(ひばな)よ
Life is a fire blooming in the times (liberal)

運命 ここに極まれり
Destiny here is extreme
自分を通す 真(こたえ)を撰(えら)ぶ
I will write the answer (let's go) to let me through
陽(ひかり)と陰(かげ)が 交錯(まじわり) 遂げる
Yang (hikari) and shade (shade) intersect

見果てぬ夢の その先へ
To the end of an uncharacteristic dream
命は時代に 咲かす火華(ひばな)よ
Life is a fire blooming in the times (liberal)

輝き ここに極まれり
Brilliance here is extremely boring
尽きゆく 時の狭間で刻む
Carry in the narrow space at the time when it runs out
望みを賭けて 絶頂(いただき)を看(み)る
Betting on hope to come (cheer up)