Vanessa da Mata Absurdo english translation

Vanessa da Mata Absurdo song lyrics
Vanessa da Mata Absurdo translation
Havia tanto pra lhe contar
There was so much to tell you
A natureza
Mudava a forma o estado e o lugar
Changed its form, state and place
Era absurdo
It was unbelievable

Havia tanto pra lhe mostrar
There was so much to show you
Era tão belo
It was so beautiful
Mas olhe agora o estrago em que está
But now look the wreck it is

Tapetes fartos de folhas e flores
Carpets full of leaves and flowers
O chão do mundo se varre aqui
The world's floor is swept in here
Essa idéia do natural ser sujo
That idea of the natural to be dirty
Do inorgânico não se faz
Of the inorganic, we shouldn't have

Destruição é reflexo do humano
Destruction is a human reflection
Se a ambição desumana o Ser
If ambition dehumanize the being
Essa imagem de infértil deserto
That infertile image of the desert
Nunca pensei que chegasse aqui
I never thought it would get in here

Falsas vitimas nocivas?
Fake harmful victims

Havia tanto pra aproveitar
There was so much to enjoy
Sem poderio
Without any power
Tantas histórias, tantos sabores
So many stories, so many flavors
Capins dourados
Golden grass

Havia tanto pra respirar
There was so much to breathe
Era tão fino
It was so fine
Naqueles rios a gente banhava
In those rivers we used to bathe

Desmatam tudo e reclamam do tempo
They deforest everything and complain about the weather
Que ironia conflitante ser
What a conflicting irony it is to be
Desequilíbrio que alimenta as pragas
The imbalance the feeds the plagues
Alterado grão, alterado pão
Changed grain, changed bread

Sujamos rios, dependemos das águas
We dirt rivers, we depend on the waters
Tanto faz os meios violentos
No matter the violent means
Luxúria é ética do perverso vivo
Lust is the alive perverted's ethics
Morto por dinheiro
Killed for money

Cores, tantas cores
Colors, so many colors
Tais belezas
Such beauties
Are gone
Versos e estrelas
s and stars
Tantas fadas que eu não vi
So many fairies who I haven't seen

Falsos bens, progresso?
Fake goods, progress?
Com a mãe, ingratidão
To the mother, ingratitude
Deram o galinheiro
They've given the hen house
Pra raposa vigiar
For the fox to look after