Vanguart Estive english translation

Vanguart Estive song lyrics
Vanguart Estive translation
Estive nas casas e apartamentos
I was in houses and apartments
Estive em hotéis, estive nas praças
I was in hotels, I was at squares
Estive em igrejas, estive nos bares
I was in churches, I was in bars
Sempre a procurar
Always looking for
Estive nas lojas de departamentos
I was in department stores
Estive nas ondas, estive nas serras
I was on waves, I was on ridges
Esperei o amor vir quebrar a janelas
I waited for love, I saw windows be broken
Pra eu sair daqui
So I could escape
E no outro dia eu vi os teus olhos
And in the next day I saw your eyes
Logo em seguida chamou-me num sonho
Then you called me in a dream
No terceiro dia eu soube o teu nome
At the third day I knew your name
E eu fui tentar
And I tried
E na tua casa, beijei tua alma
And in your home I kissed your soul
No apartamento foi teu sentimento
In the apartment I was your feeling
Cuidei da tua vida com amor e com calma
I cared your life with love and calm
E ainda estou aqui
And I'm still here
Vou embora, mas vou te levar comigo
I'm leaving but I'll take you with me
Vamos juntos pra ver o sol nascer
Let's see the sun rise together
Estive nas casas e apartamentos
I was in houses and apartments
Estive nos becos e encruzilhadas
I was at alleys and crossroads
Enfim procurei todo o mundo por algo
Then I searched all world for something
Que eu só encontrei em você
that I only found in you
E na tua casa, beijei tua alma
And in your home I kissed your soul
No apartamento foi teu sentimento
In the apartment I was your feeling
Uma vida é pouca pra gente ser feliz
Only one life isn't enough for us to be happy
Vou embora
I'm leaving
Mas vou te levar comigo
But I take you with me
Let's go?
Let's go?