Xutos & Pontapés Circo De Feras english translation

Xutos & Pontapés Circo De Feras song lyrics
Xutos & Pontapés Circo De Feras translation
A vida vai torta
Life doesn't go straight
Jamais se endireita
It can never get right
O azar persegue
Bad luck chases
Esconde-se à espreita
and hides , looking at me

Nunca dei um passo
I never took a step
Que fosse correcto
That was right
Eu nunca fiz nada
I've never did something
Que batesse certo
That worked right

E enquanto esperava
and while I waited
No fundo da rua
at the bottom of the street
Pensava em ti
I used to think of you
E em que sorte era a tua
and how lucky you were
Quero-te tanto
I want you so much
Quero-te tanto
I want you so much

De modo que a vida
so I think life
É um circo de feras
its a beasts' circus
E os entretantos
and meanwhile
São as minhas esperas
so are my waits

Nunca dei um passo
I never took a step
Que fosse correcto
That was right
Eu nunca fiz nada
I've never did something
Que batesse certo
That worked right

E enquanto esperava
and while I waited
No fundo da rua
at the bottom of the street
Pensava em ti
I used to think of you
E em que sorte era a tua
and how lucky you were
Quero-te tanto
I want you so much
Quero-te tanto
I want you so much