Yelsid Volverás a Mi english translation

Yelsid Volverás a Mi song lyrics
Yelsid Volverás a Mi translation
De botella en mano y el pecho dolido
From bottle in hand and hurt chest
Juan Gabriel de fondo y riendo de mi mismo
Juan Gabriel in the background and laughing at myself
Me puse a pensar como podía aceptar
I started thinking how I could accept
Que de tantas maneras me pudieras pisotear
That in so many ways you could trample me

Todo el mundo sabía y de mí se reían
Everyone knew and I laughed
La gueva era yo que no lo creía
The gueva was me that did not believe it
Pero lo malo se paga y estoy seguro que…
But the bad is paid and I'm sure that ...
Volverás a mí
You'll come back to me
El que salía a las 3 de la mañana de tu casa era tu primo
The one who left at 3 in the morning from your house was your cousin
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
Y los mensajes privados de Fb eran de amigos que nada que ver
And Fb's private messages were from friends that nothing to do
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure

No contestabas cuando estabas conmigo por no interrumpir
You did not answer when you were with me for not interrupting
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
Solo hasta ahora comprendo
Only until now I understand
Y con la frente doliendo te digo que...
And with my forehead hurting I tell you ...
Volverás a mí
You'll come back to me

Y ahora comprendo
And now I understand
Porque no había tiempo para dedicarme a mí
Because there was not time to dedicate myself to me
Porque no había tiempo para llamarme
Because there was not time to call me
Porque eras tan fría para besarme
Because you were so cold to kiss me
Porque últimamente no querías tocarme
Because lately you did not want to touch me
Estabas cansada de lo mismo
You were tired of the same
Lo que hacías conmigo
What you did with me
lo hacías con otros cinco y cinco
you did it with another five and five

Puesto que vienes llorando, rogando
Since you come crying, begging
Yo se que tu…
I know that you…
Volverás a mí
You'll come back to me
El que salía a las 3 de la mañana de tu casa era tu primo
The one who left at 3 in the morning from your house was your cousin
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
Y los mensajes privados de Fb eran de amigos que nada que ver
And Fb's private messages were from friends that nothing to do
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure

No contestabas cuando estabas conmigo por no interrumpir
You did not answer when you were with me for not interrupting
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
Solo hasta ahora comprendo
Only until now I understand
Y con la frente doliendo te digo que…
And with my forehead hurting I tell you ...
Volverás a mí
You'll come back to me
Voy a humillarte, de ti voy a burlarme
I'm going to humiliate you, I'm going to make fun of you

Cuando estés mal no soy yo quien va ayudarte
When you're wrong, it's not me who's going to help you
Por el contrario voy alegrarme
On the contrary I will be happy
Cuando estés mal no pienses que con llamarme
When you're wrong do not think that with calling me
Vas a lograr que sienta lástima y te digo
You're going to make her feel sorry and I tell you
Lo que menos quiero ahora mami es regresar contigo
The least I want now is to go back with you
Pero antes de que cojas tu camino en la cara te diré…
But before you take your way in the face I'll tell you ...
Regresaste a mí
You came back to me
De botella en mano y el pecho dolido
From bottle in hand and hurt chest

Juan Gabriel de fondo y riendo de mi mismo
Juan Gabriel in the background and laughing at myself
Me puse a pensar como podía aceptar
I started thinking how I could accept
Que de tantas maneras me pudieras pisotear
That in so many ways you could trample me
Todo el mundo sabía y de mi se reían
Everyone knew and laughed at me
La gueva era yo que no lo creía
The gueva was me that did not believe it
Pero lo malo se paga y estoy seguro que… Volverás a mí
But the bad is paid and I'm sure ... You'll come back to me
El que salía a las 3 de la mañana de tu casa era tu primo
The one who left at 3 in the morning from your house was your cousin
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
Y los mensajes privados de Fb eran de amigos que nada que ver
And Fb's private messages were from friends that nothing to do
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
No contestabas cuando estabas conmigo por no interrumpir
You did not answer when you were with me for not interrupting
Ummm, si claro
Ummm, sure
Solo hasta ahora comprendo
Only until now I understand
Y con la frente doliendo te digo que…
And with my forehead hurting I tell you ...
Volverás a mí
You'll come back to me
Porque sigo demostrando que yo tengo el control del género romántico
Because I keep showing that I have control of the romantic genre
La Voz
The voice
Yelsid Mami
Yelsid Mami
Oooh Mami
Oooh Mami
Dj Sog – Dj Nelo - @ Yelsid – Digital Records
Dj Sog - Dj Nelo - @ Yelsid - Digital Records
Mucha Calidad Musical
Much Musical Quality
Despecho Pa' La Discoteca
Despecho Pa 'La Discoteca