Zivilia Aishiteru 3 english translation

Zivilia Aishiteru 3 song lyrics
Zivilia Aishiteru 3 translation
Ketika kau marah dan cemburu kau kelihatan begitu cantik
When you're angry and jealous of you look so pretty
Walau kadang mengesalkan kau s'lalu bertanya, dan penuh curiga
Though sometimes annoying you always ask, and suspicious
Ku tahu kau takut kehilanganku
I know you're scared to lose me
Begitupun aku, maafkan yang s'lalu kasar marah padamu
As well as me, forgive always rough mad at you
Meski tak lagi ada kata cinta terucap, sekedar basa-basi
Although there was no word of love spoken, braggadocio

Tapi hatiku masih milikmu, milikmu
But my heart is still yours, yours
Cemburu tanda cinta
Jealousy means love
Marah tandanya sayang
Angry sign dear
Kalau curiga, itu karena ku takut kehilangan
If suspicious, it was because of my fear of losing
Kalau dekat bertengkar, kalau jauh ku rindu
If close fight, that much I miss

Jadi serba salah, buatku dilema
So completely wrong, for me the dilemma
Tapi aku s'lalu aishiteru
But I always love you
Mengapa kau marah tanpa alasan yang jelas aku tak mengerti
Why are you angry for no apparent reason I do not understand
Angkuh dan egois acuh tak acuh padaku
Arrogant and selfish indifferent to me
seakan tak peduli padahal kau butuh perhatianku
As if no matter when you need attention

Begitupun aku, maafkan yang s'lalu kasar marah padamu
As well as me, forgive always rough mad at you
Meski tak lagi ada kata cinta terucap, sekedar basa-basi
Although there was no word of love spoken, braggadocio
Tapi hatiku masih milikmu, milikmu
But my heart is still yours, yours
Cemburu tanda cinta
Jealousy means love

Marah tandanya sayang
Angry sign dear
Kalau curiga, itu karena ku takut kehilangan
If suspicious, it was because of my fear of losing
Kalau dekat bertengkar, kalau jauh ku rindu
If close fight, that much I miss
Jadi serba salah, buatku dilema
So completely wrong, for me the dilemma
Tapi aku s'lalu ai-aishiteru
Tapi aku slalu cinta padamu.

Kono Shinpaidakara
Because I am worried about this
(この心配だから - Karena kekhawatiran ini)
Because I am worried about this
Utagau No Wa Kimi O
This suspicion
(疑う のは君を - Kecurigaan ini)
This suspicion

Ushinau No Ga Kowaikara
For fear of losing you
(失うのが怖いから - Karena takut kehilanganmu)
For fear of losing you
Cemburu tanda cinta
Jealousy means love
Marah tandanya sayang
Angry sign dear
Kalau curiga, itu karena ku takut kehilangan
If suspicious, it was because of my fear of losing
Kalau dekat bertengkar, kalau jauh ku rindu
If close fight, that much I miss
Jadi serba salah, buatku dilema
So completely wrong, for me the dilemma
Tapi aku s'lalu ai-aishiteru
Tapi aku slalu cinta padamu.
S'lalu ai-aishiteru
Always love-love you