ZPU Verano english translation

ZPU Verano song lyrics
ZPU Verano translation
Sigues a mi vera
You follow me
atraviésame con tu mirada que yo hare lo mismo
pierce me with your eyes that I will do the same
dos piezas de un solo mecanismo
two pieces of a single mechanism
eres arena, la en hora buena de un sol radiante
you are sand, the good time of a radiant sun
que no me quema
that does not burn me
un verano que estrena, mi morena
a summer that premieres, my brunette
una sonrisa extrema, mil bromas
an extreme smile, a thousand jokes
sexo y lengua cruzadas que no hablan idiomas
Crossed sex and language that do not speak languages
verme reflejado en otra cara
see me reflected in another face
es lo mas cerca de un milagro que jamás he estado
it's as close to a miracle as I've ever been
mis miedos y miserias, mis torpezas y sonrisas
my fears and miseries, my clumsiness and smiles
solo para ti las abro
Only for you I open them
aun que se que si intento esconderlas
even though I know that if I try to hide them
puedes verlas de todos modos
you can see them anyway
porque me lees y acaricias mis aristas
because you read and caress my edges
porque me vez sin usar la vista.
because I do not use the sight ...