周筆暢 黑蘋果 english translation

周筆暢 黑蘋果 song lyrics
周筆暢 黑蘋果 translation
天使她摘下了翅膀 換一場愛情的重量
An angel took off her wings to carry the weight of love
She sacrificed flying for naive yearning

暗色系神秘的磁場 心甘情願往愛裡闖
A dark thread, a mysterious magnetic field, ready and willing to rush into love
Even if she's punished, it will be her reward

卸下了宿命的武裝 燃燒吧就會看見天堂
She unloaded the weapons of her fate. Burn it up and you can see heaven

黑蘋果 我不一樣 愈危險愈無法抵抗
Black apple, I'm not the same. The more dangerous, the more I can't resist
黑蘋果 你敢愛上 愈頹廢愈值得奔放
Black apple, you dare to fall in love. The more decadent, the more it's worth throwing away
來讓我受傷 來讓我迷惘 還不夠荒唐 還不夠瘋狂
Come hurt me. Come confuse me.

紅色的鮮艷不嚮往 擺脫了美麗的幻想
I don't yearn for what's red and bright. Get rid of the beautiful fantasy
Touch my heart, it's black and stubborn
皮膚表面微微發燙 沉澱的寂寞在釋放
The surface of my skin is slightly hot. The loneliness of its precipitation is being released
愛就要滋長 我擁有了信仰
Love is going to grow, I have faith

卸下了宿命的武裝 燃燒吧就會看見天堂
She unloaded the weapons of her fate. Burn it up and you can see heaven

黑蘋果 我不一樣 愈危險愈無法抵抗
Black apple, I'm not the same. The more dangerous, the more I can't resist
黑蘋果 你敢愛上 愈頹廢愈值得奔放
Black apple, you dare to fall in love. The more decadent, the more it's worth throwing away
來讓我受傷 來讓我迷惘 還不夠荒唐 還不夠瘋狂
Come hurt me. Come confuse me.