李玉璽 惡作劇之後 english translation

李玉璽 惡作劇之後 song lyrics
李玉璽 惡作劇之後 translation
After The Joke

流星劃過 我們沉默
The shooting star is shooting across but we are silent
Won't tell my wish
我還不懂 你什麼時候
I still don't know ,when you ...
Heart stop beating

Maybe we were passing by the time
May be from that day after the joke

想念開始如煙 散落在這房間
Memories start to fill the room
這種感覺說來慚愧 我還不會面對
This feeling is regrettable because I still don't know how to face it

在喜歡你之前 不懂所謂永遠
Before I like you, I don't know what forever means
默許的願 比起蜜語甜言
Acquiescence is better than sweet words
我寧願 有你在身邊走過 時間
I prefer you to spend time with me

流星劃過 我們沉默
The shooting star is shooting across but we are silent
Won't tell my wish
我還不懂 你什麼時候
I still don't know ,when you ...
Heart stop beating

Maybe we were passing by the time
May be from that day after the joke

想念開始如煙 散落在這房間
Memories start to fill the room
這種感覺說來慚愧 我還不會面對
This feeling is regrettable because I still don't know how to face it

在喜歡你之前 不懂所謂永遠
Before I like you, I don't know what forever means
默許的願 比起蜜語甜言
Acquiescence is better than sweet words
我寧願 有你在身邊走過 時間
I prefer you to spend time with me

想念開始如煙 散落在這房間
Memories start to fill the room
這種感覺說來慚愧 我還不會面對
This feeling is regrettable because I still don't know how to face it

在喜歡你之前 不懂所謂永遠
Before I like you, I don't know what forever means
默許的願 比起蜜語甜言
Acquiescence is better than sweet words
我寧願 有你在身邊走過 時間
I prefer you to spend time with me