棉花糖 馬戲團公約 english translation

棉花糖 馬戲團公約 song lyrics
棉花糖 馬戲團公約 translation
跟著月光 冒險 要出發
Moonlight lit, adventure begin.
螞蟻大象 是 無形的框
Ants and elephants indicate invisible limits
越貪婪 成長 越凌亂 越迷惘
The more desperate to grow, the messier and lost your life get

母雞與蛋 哪個 先登場
Hen and eggs, which comes first?
既然無解 那就 算了吧
As long as there's no answer, let's just leave it there
越偏執 答案 越推翻 越失望
The more obsessed you are with answers, the more you break through, the more disappointed you will get.

馬戲團公約 入場卷是熱血 快樂是甜點 悲傷是資源
Circus Code: admission is passion; concession is happiness, sponsored by sadness.
卸下疲憊 孤獨瓦解 小丑面具下的臉
Weariness removed. Loneliness crashed down. Reveal the face under the mask of jester

馬戲團公約 我們盡情表演 勇氣是宵夜 慾望是能源
Circus Code: Show goes on. Courage for night snacks, fueled by desire.
每一次的考驗 跳過火圈 又是新的一天 啦啦啦
Every task ahead, jumped through the hoop and it's a brand new day, la la la

帳棚裡面 鋒芒 太耀眼
Glare within the tents pierced through eyes like the tip of the knife.
獅子老虎 聲勢 誰領先
Lion and tiger, whose roar is more intimidating?
越渴望 目光 越蔓延 越浮誇
The more the craving for attention spreads, the more obscene it gets.

偶爾出現 失序的場面
Occasionally go off the scripts
一切OK 進化 成經驗
Everything's fine as long as it's evolved into experiences.
越迷戀 完美 越迫切 越危險
The more obsessed with perfection, the more dangerous it gets.

馬戲團公約 入場卷是熱血 快樂是甜點 悲傷是資源
Circus Code: admission is passion; concession is happiness, sponsored by sadness.
卸下疲憊 孤獨瓦解 小丑面具下的臉
Weariness removed. Loneliness crashed down. Reveal the face under the mask of jester
馬戲團公約 我們盡情表演 勇氣是宵夜 慾望是能源
Circus Code: Show goes on. Courage for night snacks, fueled by desire.
每一次的考驗 跳過火圈 又是新的一天 啦啦啦
Every task ahead, jumped through the hoop and it's a brand new day, la la la
馬戲團公約 劇本由你來寫 燈光是點綴 音樂是調味
Circus Code: You write the scripts, we'll garnish it with lighting, seasoned it with music
手牽著手 管他是誰 遊樂每一個瞬間
Hand in hand, whoever that is. Fun exists in every split seconds.
馬戲團公約 有效期限永遠 未來是無限 自信是配備
Circus Code : Expiration day not required. Future is infinite while equipped with confidence.
畫上一個笑臉 悲傷再見 又是新的一天 啦啦啦
Draw a smiley face. Say goodbye to sorrow. It's a brand new day! La La La