amazarashi 夜の歌 english translation

amazarashi 夜の歌 song lyrics
amazarashi 夜の歌 translation
雨が降り始めて 僕はふと歩みを緩めた
It started to rain; my footsteps slackened.
雨雲に滲む月明かり あれが僕の目指す光
The moonlight blurred by rainclouds -- that's the light I'm aiming for
見えない物だから 見失っても当たり前
Because it's something invisible, of course I'd lose sight of it
今日も僕は僕の心に 確かめて歩く夜明け前
Today , again, I head towards the dawn with a heart of resolve
この一生に 意味があって 何か託されてるとしたら
If there's meaning to this life, if I'm allowed something,
それはきっと つまらないよな 僕に意味なんかなくても いいよ
that's surely something banal. It's fine if I don't have anything like ‘meaning'

夜の中で 息を潜めて 僕らは朝を 待っていやしない
In the night, holding our breath, we don't wait for the morning
些細な傷と 君は戦う 明日はきっと 笑えるように
with minor wounds, you fight, so that you can surely smile tomorrow

希望は唯一つで 諦める訳は捨てるほど
There's only a single hope; there are too many reasons to give up
ぬかるんだ道に立ち尽くし 行こうか戻ろうか悩んで
Standing still on this muddy road, wondering whether to go or return
結局歩き続けて その向こうで光が射して
In the end, we kept walking. In the distance, light shone
その時僕らは思うだろう 「今まで生きていて良かった」
Then did we think: "I'm glad I lived until now"?
その一瞬の 為だったんだ 今まで積み上げたガラクタ
It was for the sake of that moment, all the trash that's piled up until now
多くの時間 多くの挫折 数えきれない程の涙
All that time, all that frustration, the countless tears

夜の中で 息を潜めて 僕らは朝を 待っていやしない
In the night, holding our breath, we don't wait for the morning
この失望に 僕は抗う 明日もきっと 歩けるように
I battle this disappointment so that i can surely walk on tomorrow

雨粒が落ちて アスファルトで弾ける
Raindrops fall, playing a tune on the asphalt
If those are wishes that can't be fulfilled, should they just be washed away?
立ち止まっては悩んで 不安を消しては歩いて
To stand still is to be in a dilemma; to erase uneasiness is to walk on
Repeating such things, our journey continues
その手を伸ばしていてよ その胸が凍えていても
Keep stretching out that hand, even if that chest is freezing
不安の雨の 中で今夜は雨宿りしてさ
In the rain of uneasiness -- tonight, let's seek shelter from the rain

夜の中で 息を止めてた それでも朝は やって来るから
In the night, we stopped breathing. Even so, because the morning comes
この寂寥に 僕らは生きる ただ一瞬の 輝きのために
We live within this loneliness, for the sake of just that one moment of brilliance

雨が降り止んで 僕はやっと歩き始めた
The rain stops falling; I finally started walking
青空にうすく昼のつき あれが僕の目指す光
The daytime moon, pale in the blue sky -- that's the light I'm aiming for