Carla's Dreams Dragostea Din Plic english translation

Carla's Dreams Dragostea Din Plic song lyrics
Carla's Dreams Dragostea Din Plic translation
Mai vino draga pe la mine,
Come over again love,
Te rog vino pe la mine,
Please come over,
Cu toate ca la mine deloc nu-i bine,
Even though over to me nothing's right,
Tu stii ca eu inca te astept aci,
You know I'm still waiting for you here,
Eu nu-ti promit c-o sa ma schimb,
I'm not promising that I will change,
Dar o sa fac cum iti place,
But I will do it how you like it,
La sarbatori o sa ma imbrac la 4 ace.
At holidays I'll dress fancy.

Nu nu se simte dragostea din plic,
No , You don't feel The love from the envelope,
Si daca as putea as schimba ceva,
And if I could change something,
Si te-as mai tine un pic,
And I'd keep you a bit more,
Nu nu se simte dragostea din plic,
No , You don't feel The love from the envelope,
Eu nu-s golan banal,
I'm not a monotone vandal,
Dar pot sa spun ca mie mi-e dor de tine un pic.
But I can say that I miss you a bit.

Nu nu pot sa uit dimineata in care ai plecat,
No no I can't forget the morning when you left,
Dimineata eu la tine am strigat,
That morning I yelled at you
Atunci cand am gasit pe pat camasa necalcata.
When I found the not-ironed shirt on the bed.