Carla's Dreams Ratusca english translation

Carla's Dreams Ratusca song lyrics
Carla's Dreams Ratusca translation
ai 8 creme pentru fata, 5 creme pentru miini,
You have 5 lotions for your face, 5 hand lotions
dar e pe terminate crema pentru pleoaple si tu suspini (ooww)
But your foot cream is running low and you sigh
doar un selfie pe zi (cic cic) este mult prea putin
Just a selfie per day, is much too little
ai atitea mimici noi pe care noi toti vrem sa le stim
You have so many new impressions that we want to see
draga, daca nu erai tu, nu stiam nici acum
Dear, if you weren't here, I wouldn't know even now
citate vestite de oameni celebri cu care ti-e plin capu'
Famous quotes by celebrities that your mind is full of
la modu serios, mereu in picioare, citim tot ce tu comentezi
In serious style, always on our feet, we read all that you comment
ce profunzime atunci kind descrii dejunul tau thailandez
What profoundness when you describe your Thai breakfast
tu-ru-ru -ru-ru, ai 7 boyfrenzi in peru sh toti iti spun 'i love you'
You-ru-ru-ru-ru, have 7 boyfriends in Peru and all of them say "I love you"
tu-ru-ru-ru-ru, esti sex-simbol pentru minori, da eu te vreau de mult punct ru (uf uf uf)
You-ru-ru-ru-ru, are a sex symbol for minors, but I want you .ru for a while
tu-ru-ru-ru-ru, ai 7 suti frenzi pi facebook si le scrii 'mwah mwah mwah mwah'
You-ru-ru-ru-ru, have 700 friends on facbook and you tell them "mwah mwah mwah mwah"
tu, ratusco, tu (mac mac) ai poze in Madame Tusseaudx cu Jonny Deep asa de true
You, duckling, you have pictures. Madame Tussaudx with johnny depp so true
hai spune, spune-ne draga
Come on tell us, tell us dear
hai spune-ne, hai zi
Come tell us, come on say
nu fii timida, noi stim ca nu esti
Don't be timid, we know you aren't
si inca mai stim ca stii
And we still know that you know
94 de diete, trucuri de hiromantii,
94 diets, hiromantian trucks
horoscopul pentru fiecare zi (plus)
Every day's horoscope
10 cai de evitat facutul de copii,
10 ways to avoid children
10 vraji de pe la babe pentru-a cuceri
10 saying from old ladies for conquering
tu deteşti majoritatea
You detest the majority
si te crezi cel mult una la o suta de mii
And you think you're one in a hundred thousand
iti ştim pantofii cei vechi si cei noi
We know your old and new shoes
toate numele la jucariile moi
The names of all stuffed toys
ursuletul tau de plus este invidiat atit de mult incit ne-am transformat si noi in jucarii de mult
Your teddy bear is so envied that we also transformed into stuffed animals

mac mac mac... mac mac mac... maaac mac mac mac mac mac mac... esti asa de-nteresanta) .maaac mac mac mac mac mac mac ...esti asa de-nteresanta
Quack quack quack... Quack quack quack... Quack quack quack... Quack quack quack... you're so interesting x2