Cypress Hill Tú no ajaunta english translation

Cypress Hill Tú no ajaunta song lyrics
Cypress Hill Tú no ajaunta translation
[sen dog]
[sen dog]
Ahi vamos caballero, ese el negro lo correcta
There we go, gentleman.
No me llames policia porque nada te protecta
Do not call me a cop because nothing protects you
Empina ese pie, persina mas un poquito
Stir that foot, persine a little more
Con el perro a hueso yo lo necesito
With the dog to bone I need it
Si estas a 5 pies de mi, yo te lo quito
If you are 5 feet from me, I'll take it off
Pido la espalda, tas ahi? un payasito
I ask the back, are you there? A clown
Te tumbo, como un control remado
I lie down like a remote
Te persigo y te sigo y te meto como un palo
I chase you and I follow you and I put you like a stick
Juntando raperos como modos en la mesa
Joining rappers like manners on the table
Sopresa, te rompi la cabeza
Blow me, I broke your head.
Te pongo a dormir, con abrazo de pescueso
I put you to sleep, with a cuddle hug
No me importa lo que tengo que hacer, yo hago queso
I do not care what I have to do, I make cheese
Pasele, cuidado con mi estilo
Come on, be careful with my style
Te mato bien matado, ya dormi un ratico...
I killed you well, I slept a little ...

Chorus x2:
Chorus x2:
(checkeame tu!) te cuelgo alto
(You checke me!) I hang you high
Tenemos lo que suena, vente y te parto
We have what sounds, come and I'll give you
Tira la bala de la loma con la bomba
Throw the bullet from the hill with the pump
(checkeame tu!) ten cuidado que no te rompa...
(Checke me!) Be careful not to break you ...

Mira mira, ten cuidado, ponte en fila
Look, be careful, stand in line
Matando raperos y quitandote la vida
Killing rappers and taking care of life
Me llevo la tuya, simple, no vales nada
I take yours, simple, you're not worth anything
El ultimo imagen que ves, es mi cara
The last image you see is my face.
Si quieres la bomba namas llamenme a mi
If you want the bomb, call me.
Cypress hill vive, siempre tamos aqui
Cypress hill lives, we always have it here
Corriendo el juego con el mismo fuego
Running the game with the same fire
Quemando los demas, tirandolo en el hueco
Burning the others, throwing it in the hole
Ya despues que queme, yo bajo la llama
Already after I burn, I'm under the flame
Corre, escondete bajo la cama
Run, hide under the bed
No te hagas bobo, mi juego apretado
Do not play dumb, my game is tight

Listo, preparado, como un soldado
Ready, prepared, like a soldier
Te corto tan malo tu madre ni te conoce
Your mother cut you so bad, she does not know you
A cuantos se lo hice? tengo mas que 12
How many did I do? I have more than 12
No juegues conmigo, tengo dedo cuete
Do not play with me I have a finger
Ten mucho cuidado o esta en la muerte
Be very careful or you are in death
Pego duro, tan duro que tu no sabes
I stick hard, so hard that you do not know
Cuando suene la campana eres uno de mis esclaves...
When the bell rings, you are one of my slave ...


[sen dog]
[sen dog]
Voy a patear (uhh!) como un sonero
I'm going to kick (uhh!) Like a sonero
Dame mi dinero, lo meto de mal empleo
Give me my money, I put it in bad use
Y nadie ha venido a mi
And no one has come to me
Hablando del oeste, largo de aqui
Speaking from the west, get out of here.
So como quieras
Just as you like
Y no me importa a que grupo tu perteneces
And I do not care which group you belong to
No venga por aqui hablando tierra ese
Do not come here talking ground that
Como les tumbo pandilleros, se derriten como hielo
As they tumble gangsters, they melt like ice
Les gusta hablar mucho pero no tienen huevos...
They like to talk a lot but they do not have eggs ...

Mis negros estan en juego, no te recuerdas
My blacks are at stake, you do not remember
Haciendo los shows rapeando contra cualquiera
Doing the shows rapping against anyone
Fuerte con estilo que gente ni sabia
Strong in style that people did not know
Mira que matamos a muchos ese dia
Look, we killed a lot that day.
No tenian chance, los desvaratamos
They had no chance, we desvaratamos
Y hasta este dia todavia melozamos
And until this day we still melozamos
Vete pa tras, negro te doy patadas
Go ahead, black I kick you
No vale na, dale con la mota
Not worth it, give it with the speck
Te rompo la quijada, estoy en tu ciudad
I break your jaw, I'm in your city
Si tienes una esposa la dejo viuda...
If you have a wife, I leave her a widow ...
