DJ Fuzz Cerita Kedai Kopi english translation

Feat Malique, Salam
DJ Fuzz Cerita Kedai Kopi song lyrics
DJ Fuzz Cerita Kedai Kopi translation
Terlalu banyak kena kopi aku menyanyi
Too much coffees makes me singing
Ditemani teko berasap dan bau wangi
With a steaming pot and fragrance smell lurking
Ditemani cahaya malap dan lagu reggae
With dimmed light and reggae songs
Hayati Salam
Feel it Salam

Masing-masing ada masalah sendiri
Everyone have their own problems
Masalah dunia masalah peribadi
World problems, personal problems
Luahkan jangan simpan dalam hati
Spit it out don't keep it in your heart
Boleh cerita di kedai kopi
Let's share it at the coffeehouse

Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse

Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse

Ada satu hero Melayu namanya rahsia
There is a Malay guy, no name given
Dulu lepak tepi parit kampung
In the past he hung out besides the village ditches
Sekarang lepak media massa
Nowadays he's hanging out on mass media

Asal boleh masuk TV dia mesti buat
He will do anything to show his face on TV
Awek tengok jambu laki tengok meluat
Girls like his baby-face, but guys truly hated it
Citarasa makin besar otak makin ketat
His desires become much bigger than he can think of
Baru angkat berat sikit baju pun dah sendat
Just started doing weightlifting, but already wears tight shirt
Jalan berkepak dengan awek romantis
Walking around with girls
Biasalah budak baru nak naik jadi artis
It's normal for kids that feels like celebrities
Jalan berkepak dengan awek romantis
Walking around with girls
Biasalah budak baru nak naik jadi artis
It's normal for kids that feels like celebrities
Jakun ke pelakon jamban ke makan malam
From knowing nothing to awkward acting to dinner
Dinner show menyanyi seorang pun tak faham
Singing in a dinner show but nobody understands
Tapi datin muda tengok geram dan sangkut
But a young rich woman feels furious and fallen for him
Datuk outstation apa lagi angkut
When her husband going outstation, then it's a go

Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse

Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse

I'm in the mood for love
I'm in the mood for love
Simply because you're near me
Simply because you're near me
Honey but when you're near me
Honey but when you're near me
Well I'm in the mood yes
Well I'm in the mood yes
I'm in the mood for love
I'm in the mood for love
Terima kasih rahsia diterima
Thanks for keeping this secret
Kalau sunyi lagi boleh main gila
If you're feeling lonely, we can be crazy in love again
Datin kena taruk rahsia kemaruk
The woman is drowning in her fantasy
Makan boleh tapi jangan sampai kena lauk
But there's always limit to everything

Datuk pergi London lama pucat bila balik
Her husband coming back from London looking tired and pale
Bini buncit sikit tahu dia tak boleh naik
The woman is pregnant but he knows he's impotent
Datuk pergi London dia pucat bila balik
Her husband coming back from London feeling pale
Bini dan anak percuma dah ada penyakit
His wife and child already got the transmitted diseases
Apa kesudahannya apa yang terjadi
What are the ending, what will happened
Rahsia tinggal rahsia takkan masuk TV lagi
Secret is a secret will never appears in TV again
Cerita sensasi dengar di kedai kopi
Sensational story heard from the coffeehouse
Setiap individu punya versi sendiri
Everyone have their own versions

Masing-masing ada masalah sendiri
Everyone have their own problems
Masalah dunia masalah peribadi
World problems, personal problems
Luahkan jangan simpan dalam hati
Spit it out don't keep it in your heart
Boleh cerita di kedai kopi
Let's share it at the coffeehouse

Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse

Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse

Terlalu banyak kena kopi aku menyanyi
Too much coffees makes me singing
Ditemani teko berasap dan bau wangi
With a steaming pot and fragrance smell lurking
Ditemani cahaya malap dan lagu reggae
With dimmed light and reggae songs
Hayati rentak keluarga Marley
Feels the rhythm of Marley family
Hamba di Belanda di tengah ibu kota
I'm at Holland in the center of the city
Temanku Salam dreadlocks bawah mahkota
With a friend Salam and his dreadlocks crown
Anak perantauan yang punya citarasa Jamaica
An expatriate with Jamaican taste and culture
Rindu nak dengar cerita kopi Malaysia
Missed to hear stories from Malaysia
Aku cerita dia ketawa
I told him, he just laughed
Tak kering gusi jatuh kerusi
While rolling on the floor
Dia pula bercerita tapi bukan tentang dia atau dia
Then he told me stories but never about him or her
Di Eropah orang bentang idea
In Europe, people presents their idea
Topik-topik intelektual di diskusi
With intellectual topics to be discussed
Anjakan paradigma bila kena kopi
A paradigm shift thinking with a sip of coffee
Peace love and harmony reggae sampai pagi
Peace love and harmony reggae until the next morning
Keluar kedai kopi Amsterdam masih steady
Came out from the coffeehouse and Amsterdam still steady
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Cerita kedai kopi
Story at the coffeehouse
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
No judges no witnesses
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi
Sensational stories at the coffeehouse
Terlalu banyak kena kopi aku menyanyi
Too much coffees makes me singing
Ditemani teko berasap dan bau wangi
With a steaming pot and fragrance smell lurking
Ditemani cahaya malap dan lagu reggae
With dimmed light and reggae songs
Hayati yeah
Feel it yeah