Enjambre Elemento english translation

Enjambre Elemento song lyrics
Enjambre Elemento translation
Se me parte el alma cada madrugada
It breaks my soul every morning
Cuando a la carretera tengo que acudir
When I have to go to the road
Te imagino levantándote por la mañana
I imagine getting up in the morning
Sin mí, pensando valdrá la pena seguir
Without me, thinking will be worth following

Yo, me alejo, pero no
I, apart you, but don't
Te dejo de pensar
stop to think you
Intento con cantar
try to sing
Poderte alcanzar
Can reach you
Mi elemento vital
My lifeblood

Llego a lugares que me ofrendan alegres momentos
I come to places that offer me happy moments
Tales buscan que me olvide de mi elemento
Such that I forget my element
Mismos que rechazo porque no me dan
Same ones that I reject because they do not give me
Lo que contigo ya tengo
What I already have with you

Yo, me alejo, pero no
I, apart you, but don't
Te dejo de pensar
stop to think you
Intento con cantar
try to sing
Poderte alcanzar
Can reach you
Mi elemento vital
My lifeblood

Yo, me alejo, pero no
I, apart you, but don't
Te dejo de pensar
stop to think you
Intento con cantar
try to sing
Poderte acariciar
Can caress you
No te pueden tocar
can't touch you
Me voy a asfixiar
I'm going to suffocate
Sin mi elemento vital
Without my vital element