Enjambre Mujer en la Caja english translation

Enjambre Mujer en la Caja song lyrics
Enjambre Mujer en la Caja translation
Se sienten tus labios fríos
Your lips are feeling cold
Tu cuerpo ya no reacciona
Your body no longer reacts
Nunca nada de esto ha sido mío
None of this has never been mine
Mi alma contigo no embona
Mi soul does not fit with you

Y es que ya no estoy seguro
And it's because I'm no longer sure
Que un alma habite en tí
Wether there's a soul in you or not
Por lo que veo auguro
Based on what I see, I predict
Ya no podrás decir sí
You'll no longer be able to say yes

No me importa que no me hables
I don't care that you don't talk to me
Ya no me puedes rechazar
You can no longer reject me
No me importa que no me veas
I don't care that you don't see me
Mientras te pueda observar
As long as I can observe you

Dime por que duermes tanto
Tell me why you sleep so much
Tu piel se siente tan dura
Your skin, it feels so hard
Cambiaste tu dulce esencia
You exchanged your sweet essence
Por un terrible aroma
For a terrible smell

Que no te da claustrofobia
Don't let yourself feel claustrophobic
Sonríe no seas tan obvia
Smile, don't be that obvious
No pediré seas mi novia
I won't ask you to be my girlfriend
Eso ya fue otra historia
That is now another story

Y es que ya no estoy seguro
And it's because I'm no longer sure
Que un alma habite en tí
Wether there's a soul in you or not
Por lo que veo auguro
Based on what I see, I predict
Ya no podrás decir sí
You'll no longer be able to say yes

No me importa que no me hables
I don't care that you don't talk to me
Ya no me puedes rechazar
You can no longer reject me
No me importa que no me veas
I don't care that you don't see me
Mientras te pueda observar
As long as I can observe you

Dime por que duermes tanto
Tell me why you sleep so much
Tu piel se siente tan dura
Your skin, it feels so hard
Cambiaste tu dulce esencia
You exchanged your sweet essence
Por un terrible aroma
For a terrible smell

Que no te da claustrofobia
Don't let yourself feel claustrophobic
Sonríe no seas tan obvia
Smile, don't be that obvious
No pediré seas mi novia
I won't ask you to be my girlfriend
Eso ya fue otra historia
That is now another story

Voy a enterrarme en el subsuelo
I'll bury myself underground
Me arrastraré hasta que te pueda tener
I'll drag myself until I can have you
Tratando de romperte en sueño
Trying to break you in sleep
Aunque no haya oxígeno en donde esté
Even though there is no oxygene where I be

Seria un placer
It would be a pleasure
La vida perder
To lose my life
A lado de tu cadáver
Next to your corpse