Eric 周興哲 愛情教會我們的事 english translation

Eric 周興哲 愛情教會我們的事 song lyrics
Eric 周興哲 愛情教會我們的事 translation
某座天橋 某一張合照 愛情來的預告
Love is coming someday
這世界 很微妙 越在乎想要 往往得不到
This world is strange the more you want it you can't get it

最後爭吵 誰都不示好 縱容寂寞咆哮
We won't back down during a fight
美好 取代不了 散場前又哭又笑
All the beauty can't replace the sadness before we leave each other

真的不是故意 傷你的心 還搞不懂原因
Still don't know the reason for breaking your heart
勇敢是我愛的 和愛我的人 教會我們的事情
Bravery is taught by the person I loved and the people that loves us

多麼幸運 找到你
So lucky to find you
多麼堅定 我愛你
So sure I love you
面對命運 好多難題
There's a lot of hardships in life
Don't know how to give up

多麼幸運 擁抱你
So lucky to have hugged you
多麼遺憾 失去你
Regret to lose you
多麼可惜 錯過愛情
What a pity to miss love
學會刻骨銘心 懷念都是你
learn to remember and to think of you

最後爭吵 誰都不示好 縱容寂寞咆哮
We won't back down during a fight
美好 取代不了 散場前又哭又笑
All the beauty can't replace the sadness before we leave each other

真的不是故意 傷你的心 還搞不懂原因
Still don't know the reason for breaking your heart
勇氣是我愛的 和愛我的人 教會我們的事情
Bravery is taught by the person I loved and the people that loves us

多麼幸運 找到你
So lucky to find you
多麼堅定 我愛你
So sure I love you
面對命運 好多難題
There's a lot of hardships in life
Don't know how to give up

幸福有多美 答案誰能給
How beautiful is bliss no one can give an answer
後悔都不再後悔 結局怎麼寫
Won't know how to regret and to write an ending
時間 不可能倒退
Time will notreverse
想起你總會 流淚
Whenever I think of you tears will be rolling down

多麼幸運 找到你
So lucky to find you
多麼堅定 我愛你
So sure I love you
面對命運 好多難題
There's a lot of hardships in life
Don't know how to give up

多麼幸運 擁抱你
So lucky to have hugged you
多麼遺憾 失去你
Regret to lose you
多麼可惜 錯過愛情
What a pity to miss love
學會刻骨銘心 懷念都是你
learn to remember and to think of you