Fidel Rueda Regalo Equivocado english translation

Fidel Rueda Regalo Equivocado song lyrics
Fidel Rueda Regalo Equivocado translation
Frente Aún Pino,
In front of a pine tree
Abri El Regalo,
Opened the gift
Que tú,
That you
Me Habías Mandado,
Had sent me

Con La Ilusión,
With the illusion
Que Producen Ésas Cosas,
That those things produce
Vi Con Tristeza,
I saw with sadness
Que Te Habías Equivocado,
That you had been mistaken

El Nombre,
The name
De Tu Amante,
Of your lover (Affair)

Venia Bien Claro,
Came clearly
En Un Sobre Perfumado,
In a perfumed envelope
Le Recordabas,
You reminded me
Que Hace Tiempo Eran Amantes,
That some time ago you guys were lovers (Affair)
Y Que El Regalo,
And that the gift
Era El Gran Aniversario,
Was the Anniversary

Ya Nunca Más En Navidad,
Not anymore on Christmas
Tendré Tus Labios,
Will I have your lips
Frente a Ese Pino,
In front of that pine tree
Aunque Se,
Even though I know
Que He de Extrañarlo,
That I will miss it

Hay Te Remito,
Here i sent you
Tu "Regalo Equivocado ",
Your mistaken gift
Solo Mi Nombre,
Only my name
Del Paquete,
From the package
Lo He Borrado,
I have erased

Cuándo Las Doce,
When 12 o'clock
De Fin de Año,
Of the end of the year
Ayan Sonado,
Has sounded

Ya Me Abre Ido,
I would have already left
Con Mi Pena Delirante,
With my sadness
Esas Doce Uvas,
Those 12 grapes
Que Me Dabas,
That you gave me
Entre Besos,
In between kisses

Ya No Las Quiero,
I don't want them anymore
Se Las Guardas,
You hold them
A Tu Amante.
For your lover (Affair)