Gepê Ayelén english translation

Gepê Ayelén song lyrics
Gepê Ayelén translation
Antes de repetir las mismas cosas,
Before repeating the same thing
prefiero pensar que tu,
I prefer to think that you
Antes de rehacer todo lo que he hecho,
Before redoing everything I've done
prefiero dejar que tu,
I prefer to let that you
que tu.
That you

Antes de apresurar tanto las cosas,
Before rushing things hard
prefiero reconocer que yo.
I prefer to recognize that I
Antes de deshacer todo lo que sobra,
Before undoing everything that is left
prefiero dejar que tu,
I prefer to let that you
que tu.
That you

Y poder pensar
And being able to think
Y poder decir
And being able to say
y reconocer que tu has cambiado
And recognizing that you've changed
A mi.

En un tiempo en que no pensaba en nada
In a moment when I thought nothing
quería dejar de lado
I wanted to set aside
En un tiempo en que no pensaba en nada
In a moment when I thought nothing
preferiría dejar que tu,
I'd prefer to let that you
que tu.
That you

Y poder pensar
And being able to think
Y poder decir
And being able to say
y reconocer que tu has ganado
And recognizing that you have won
A mi.