God Bless Diskriminasi english translation

God Bless Diskriminasi song lyrics
God Bless Diskriminasi translation
Di ujung lorong aku bingung
At the end of the lane I was confused
Terasa asing dan tersudut
It's foreign and angular
Ratusan mata memandang
Hundreds of eyes looked
Seolah aku simbol bahaya
As if I am a symbol of danger

Aku cegat taksi malah lari
I took a taxi and ran away
Kutawar bajaj pun menolak
I crave bajaj also refused
Rasa kesal dan kecewa
Feeling annoyed and disappointed
Geram mengusik jiwa
Anger is disturbing the soul

Salah apa sebenarnya
What's wrong
Sehingga mereka perlakukan aku begini?
So they treat me like this?
Tuhan, tolonglah tegur mereka
God, help them reproach
Oh, tolonglah
Oh, please
Tuhan, ketuklah batin mereka
God, knock them in

Muka kasar bukanlah
Rough face is not
Berarti nakal atau bengal
It means naughty or mad
Baju camping bukanlah
The shirts are not
Berarti miskin atau papa
It means poor or poor

Aku cinta hidup ini
I love this life
Takkan pernah kuganggu
It will never hurt
Kehidupan sesama
Life of a fellow

Tuhan, tolonglah tegur mereka
God, help them reproach
Oh, tolonglah
Oh, please
Tuhan, ketuklah batin mereka
God, knock them in

Hidup ini kujalani
This is my life
Dengan sepenuh hati
With all my heart
Wujudku yang memang begini
This is my very existence
Tak mungkin aku langgar susila
No, I can not violate it

Salah apa sebenarnya
What's wrong
Sehingga mereka perlakukan aku begini?
So they treat me like this?
Tuhan, tolonglah tegur mereka
God, help them reproach
Oh, tolonglah
Oh, please
Tuhan ketuklah batin mereka?
God, knock them in

Tuhan, tolonglah tegur mereka
God, help them reproach
Tuhan, ketuklah batin mereka
God, knock them in