Ikimonogakari Tokyo Saru Monogatari english translation

Ikimonogakari Tokyo Saru Monogatari song lyrics
Ikimonogakari Tokyo Saru Monogatari translation
Hip and Hop crazy noise
shaking our hips to the peach rhythm
the moon shines, the flowers go rat-a-tat-tat
待ちに待ったぞ 祭りだフェスティバル
its our long-awaited festival, Festival

Each monkey one, two, three
four, five, six, telling sad, sad lies
老いも若きも 男も女も
young and old, boys and girls
踴らにゃ損song 迷うな いざ笑え
dance to the song or you'll miss out, don't hesitate laugh now

誰だって生きてるんだ 幸せを感じたい
We're all alive, we wanna feel happiness
せめて今夜は その願い お手元に
for just this one night, that wish is within reach

We gonna, We gonna sing! Wow Wow we gonna sing! sing!
We gonna, we gonna sing! wow wow we gonna sing! Sing!
We gonna, we gonna sing so yeah!
We gonna, we gonna sing so yeah!
「あれま一っ」と爺ちゃんも 「はいや一っ」と婆ちゃんも
Grandad says "Oh my" and Grandma says "Hi ya!"
みんなでえいや一そいや一Say! はいはい歌えや
all together, ei-ya-so-ya say! Yeah, yeah sing

Our hearts are on top of the world
the great Demons eats even the madness
being unable to let our hair down in live
息が詰まるぞ ムッツリスケベくん
is sitting, grumpy dirty boy

砂を嚙むような味氣ない この暮らし
This life is bland and tasteless
せめて今夜は ひとときの夢に醉え
for just this one night, get drunk on a momentary dream

We gonna, We gonna dance! Wow Wow we gonna ダンシング!
We gonna, we gonna dance! Wow wow we gonna Dancing!
うぃガ一ナ い一かな? タンスは家
we gonna, is it Ok? Dancing is home
「まっ いっか一」と兄ちゃんも 「かいか一ん」と姊ちゃんも
Brother says "Whatever" and Sister says "Feel so good"
みんなでえいや一そいや一say! はいはい踴れや
All together, ei-ya-so-ya say! Yeah, yeah dance

最高速度で走って エンスト起こして水の泡
Driving at top speed, then you cause a breakdown and it's all for nothing
搖らめいて さまよって 東京はどこへ逝く
shaking, wandering, where is Tokyo going?
急ぎなさんな待って待って こんな頑張ってるっての一に
dont hurry, wait, wait you're working so hard
party, your ego don't swell
the unstoppable festival goes on
愛も希望もつめこんで 屆けたい
I wanna gather up all my love & hope and I'll give it to you
せめて今夜は この歌を皆樣に
for just this one night, I'll sing this song for everyone

We gonna, We gonna sing! Wow Wow we gonna sing! sing!
We gonna, we gonna sing! wow wow we gonna sing! Sing!
We gonna, we gonna sing so yeah!
We gonna, we gonna sing so yeah!
「がってんだ一」と父ちゃんも 「うっふっふ一」と母ちゃんも
Dad says "Quite a party" and Mom says "Hee hee hee"
all together, ei-ya-so-ya say!
We gonna, We gonna sing! Wow Wow we gonna sing! sing!
We gonna, we gonna sing! wow wow we gonna sing! Sing!
We gonna, we gonna sing so yeah!
We gonna, we gonna sing so yeah!
「おっわり一だ」この曲も 「つかれ一た」よっちゃんも
the song says "The end" and Yacchan says "I'm tired"
all together, ei-ya-so-ya say!
ハイハイ踴れや ハイハイ歌えや ハイハイ笑えや
Yeah, yeah dance! Yeah, yeah sing! Yeah, yeah laugh!