Julieta Venegas Porvenir english translation

Julieta Venegas Porvenir song lyrics
Julieta Venegas Porvenir translation
Vamos caminando en soledad
We are walking in solitude
Pasando los días tranquilamente
Spending the days, quietly
Ocupando el tiempo, sin saber en que
Occupying time, without knowing in what

Puedo fácilmente prescindir
I can easily go without
De una sonrisa de complicidades
A smile of complicity
Sin nadie a mi lado
Without anyone by my side
Si no sé que es
If I do not know what it is

Y así el porvenir un día aparece
And thus the future one day appears
Te mira de frente y te dice:
It looks at you from the front, and tells you:
"Ven, hay algo que tu no sabias ver"
"Look, there is something that you didn't know how to see

Es como sucede que no hay más
This is how it happens when there isn't any more
Ser uno parece espacio vacio
To be one seems void space
No estar a tu lado ya no sabe bien
Not being by your side, doesn't tastes good any more

Ay, estar vivo es lo mejor
Ay, to be alive is the best
Si puedo encontrarte
If I can find you
Puedes quererme
You can love me
Podemos juntos
We can together
Volver a nacer
be reborn

Y así el porvenir un día aparece
And thus the future one day appears
Te mira de frente y te dice:
It looks at you from the front, and tells you:
"Ven, hay algo que tu no sabias ver"
"Look, there is something that you didn't know how to see

Y así el porvenir un día aparece
And thus the future one day appears
Te mira de frente y te dice:
It looks at you from the front, and tells you:
"Ven, hay algo que tu no sabias ver, pero fue"
"Look, there is something you could not see, but it's gone."