Lena Sigueme english translation

Lena Sigueme song lyrics
Lena Sigueme translation
Llegaste a mi vida
you came to my life
sin pena y con prisa
without pain and hurry
yo cargaba una espada en la espalda
I carried a sword in my back

Dijiste bonita
you told beautiful
ya no tengas miedo
don't be scare
yo solo quiero hacerte bien
I just want to make you good

Yo no sabía amar
I didn't know to love
creí que no debía darlo todo
I believed that I shouldn't give it all
sin antes esperar
without waiting before
que hicieras magia, fuego
that you could make magic, fire
y de algun modo
in some way
siempre buscaste la cura
you always searched the cure
para este roto corazón
for this broken heart

you was
la lluvia en la mañana
the rain in the morning
en días tristes
in sad days
auyentaste con tu boca mi dolor
you drove away with your mouth my pain
y nunca dije nada
and I never said it

Quererte fue facil
to love you was easy
quererte tan hondo
to love you deeply
que dificil fue dejarte atras
how hard was to let it go the past
Me fui de tu vida dejando una herida
I am gone out of your life letting a hurt
yo no te quise lastimar
I don't wanted to hurt you

Yo no sabía amar
I didn't know to love
creí que no debía darlo todo
I believed that I shouldn't give it all
sin antes esperar
without waiting before
que hicieras magia, fuego
that you could make magic, fire
y de algun modo
in some way
siempre buscaste la cura
you always searched the cure
para este roto corazón
for this broken heart

you was
la lluvia en la mañana
the rain in the morning
en días tristes
in sad days
auyentaste con tu boca mi dolor
you drove away with your mouth my pain

you was
la lluvia en la mañana
the rain in the morning
en días tristes
in sad days
auyentaste con tu boca mi dolor
you drove away with your mouth my pain
y nunca dije nada
and I never said it