Linked Horizon 心臓を捧げよ! english translation

Linked Horizon 心臓を捧げよ! song lyrics
Linked Horizon 心臓を捧げよ! translation
We wanted to believe there could be no hell worse than this
But the worst days of humanity will face always come so suddenly

The unrelenting sound of rapping upon our door was ill-mannered
That uninvited sign of the coming calamity was like a nightmare

過ぎし日を裏切る者 奴らは駆逐すべき敵だ
Oh, ye who forsake days past, the enemy deserves to be exterminated!
I wonder what expressions they had, what their eyes conveyed, as they gazed upon us that day

What must we do to surpass even the strength of devils?
命さえ 魂さえ 決して惜しくなどない
We've no desire to protect our lives, or our souls!

捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
All our sacrifices were for this moment!
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
進むべき未来を その手で切り拓け!
With your own hands, open a path to our rightful future!

過ぎし日追い詰める者 奴らは憎悪をすべき敵だ
Oh, ye who falsify days past, the enemy is deserving of our hatred!
I wonder what their voices sounded like, what words they used, as they spoke out against us

What must we learn to be able to slay even devils?
Whether it be skills, or tactics
We won't waste a single tool!

捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
All our efforts were for this moment
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
謳(うた)うべき勝利を その手で掴み取れ!
With your own hands, grab hold of our rightful victory!

Etainoshirenai Bakemono ga hito to Nita men o shite ya garu
We'll obliterate every last one of them from the face of this Earth!

最初に言い出したのは誰か? そんなこと覚えちゃいないが
Who was the first person to suggest it? We can't really remember
忘れられない怒りがある 必ず駆逐してやる
But we have this unforgettable anger. We'll exterminate them, no matter what!

嗚呼... 選び悔いた道の先はどんな景色(ばしょ)に繋がっている?
Ahh... what kind of place will this regretful path will lead us to?
ただ捧げられた人生(いのち)を糧に咲く 尊き彼岸(悲願)の勝利(Sieg)
Surely... the lives we offer up will bloom a flower: our noble, most cherished victory!
Our promised land lies at the ends of paradise!

That day, humanity remembered—
The fear of being controlled by them.
The disgrace of being trapped in a birdcage.
黄昏を 弓矢は翔ける 翼を背負い
An arrow will soar through the twilight, carrying our wings
The trail it forms will become the path to our freedom!

捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
All our hardships were for this moment!
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
Transform your fleeting lives into burning arrows!
捧げよ! 捧げよ! 心臓を捧げよ!
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your hearts!
With your own bodies, form a trail deserving of our pride!