Loquillo Pegate A Mi english translation

Loquillo Pegate A Mi song lyrics
Loquillo Pegate A Mi translation
Existen días que nada sale bien
There're days on which anything goes alright
para los dos,
for both of us
acostumbrados a caer de pie
got used to fall on our feet
siempre tu y yo.
always you and I
Te siento tan frágil
I feel you're so fragile
que entre la gente te puedes perder.
that you could be lost between the people
Si ocurre el paisaje
If it happens, the landscape
nos puede hacer desaparecer.
could make us disappear

Por eso
For that reason
¡pégate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!

No dudes nena,
Don't hesitate babe
la vida no avisa al caer por ti.
The life doesn't warn you when it falls for you
Es duro ser temperamental
It's hard to be temperamental
y vivir así.
and to live like this
El mundo está en contra
The world is against
para intentar hacernos tragar,
To try to make us swallow
manténte bien cerca
Keep yourself close
sé que este mundo nos puede matar.
I know this world could make us kill

Por eso
For that reason
¡pégate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
Por eso
For that reason
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!
¡pegate a mi!
Get close to me!