Los Piojos Tan Solo english translation

Los Piojos Tan Solo song lyrics
Los Piojos Tan Solo translation
Quizá no sea el vino
Maybe it's not the wine
Quizá no sea el postre
Maybe it's not the dessert
Quizá no sea
Maybe it's not
No sea nada
Do not be anything

Pero hay tanta belleza
But there is so much beauty
Tirada en la mesa
Roll on the table
Desnuda toda rebalsada
Naked all overflowed

Apuras el vaso
You hurry the glass
Vas perdiendo el paso
You lose your way
Y en la mesa ya no hay nada
And at the table there is nothing

Borracha esta la puerta
Drunk is the door
Cerraste y quedo abierta
You closed and stayed open
Y puedo escuchar tu llamada
And I can hear your call

Oh! Tan solo?
Oh! such alone?
Oh! Tan solo?
Oh! such alone?

Servida ya tu boca
Served and your mouth
Tan dulce tu boca
So sweet your mouth
Tan dulce con un blues amargo
So sweet with a bitter blues

Un vaso rueda al piso
A glass rolls to the floor
Lento cae al piso
Slow falls to the floor
Lento y muere en mil pedazos
Slow and die in a thousand pieces

No quiero dejar que se vean
I do not want to let you see
Tus ojos se vean
Your eyes look
Tan, tan, tan, tristes
So, so, so, sad

Habrá sido es destino
It will have been destiny
Ese vaso de vino
That glass of wine
Que dijiste:
What did you say:
Oh! Tan solo
Oh! such alone?
Oh! Tan solo
Oh! such alone?
Salta la cuerda, se enreda
Jump rope, get tangled
Y cae de boca
And it falls of mouth
Oh! Tan solo
Oh! such alone?
Oh! Tan solo
Oh! such alone?