Rubytates Zafiro english translation

Rubytates Zafiro song lyrics
Rubytates Zafiro translation
Hoy crei que estaba en un sueño
Today I thought I was in a dream
camine de nuevo hacia ti
walk back to you
Con la música de las olas del mar
With the music of the waves of the sea
Con tu mano acariciando mi mejilla
With your hand caressing my cheek
Y nos vimos fijos al despertar
And we were fixed on waking
En la playa vamos a caminar
On the beach we are going to walk

Vámonos dejémoslo todo
Let's leave it all
Mirame y dime que si
Look me and tell me yes
Con el sol entre las sábanas del coral
With the sun among the coral sheets
A tu lado las estrellas iluminan
At your side the stars illuminate
Y nos vimos fijos al despertar
And we were fixed on waking
En la playa vamos a caminar
On the beach we are going to walk
Y nos vimos fijos al despertar
And we were fixed on waking
En la playa vamos a caminar
On the beach we are going to walk