Sabaton Konungens Likfärd english translation

Sabaton Konungens Likfärd song lyrics
Sabaton Konungens Likfärd translation

Döden stod för dörren, denna kalla vinternatt
Death stood at the door, on that cold winter night
Bragd om livet, stod det skrivet, när hans öde hann ifatt
Deeds of life, it was written, as his fate caught up with him

Vem skall oss nu leda, i en tid som runnit ut
Who will lead us now, in a time coming to its end
Mist vår kung, vår sorg är tung, när hans styre tagit slut
We lost our king, our sorrow is heavy, as the end of his reign nears

Kom skottet fr¨n hans egen här, tanken tär
Did the shot come from his own men? Perhaps it did...
Trehundra år och ingen vet, hans döds hemlighet
Three hundred years, and nobody knows the secret of his death

Död vi rikets rand, drömmen rann ut i sand, leve Carolus
Death is at the kingdom's edge, the dream turned into sand, long live Carolus
Buren hem för hand, åter till Svealand leve Carolus Rex.
Brought by soldiers hand, back to Svealand, long live Carolus Rex

Marschen går mot Sverige, inga sånger i vårt led
The march goes towards Sweden, there is no song in our rows
Bär vår konung hemåt än över berg och över hed
We carry our king home, over mountains and over wastelands

Hur skall vi då minnas, var han hjälte eller ej
How should we remember then, was he a hero or not ?
Dårskap eller hjältemod, ja det skall du fråga dig
Folly or heroism, yes, this you should ask yourself

Sista färden
The last journey
Ny tid nalkas
A new time is drawing near
Skall det ätnligen bli fred
Shall there finally be peace
Men vi blir aldrig det vi en gång var
But we will never be what we once were