Spitz チェリー english translation

Spitz チェリー song lyrics
Spitz チェリー translation
君を忘れない 曲がりくねった道を行く
I will never forget you, I'm going on the wining road.
産まれたての太陽と 夢を渡る黄色い砂
The sun is just born right now, the yellow sand makes a bridge over my dream
二度と戻れない くすぐり合って転げた日
I'll never go back, the day we tickled each other playfully
きっと 想像した以上に 騒がしい未来が僕を待ってる
I hope the more eventful future than I expected is waiting for me
"愛してる"の響きだけで 強くなれる気がしたよ
"I love you" this makes me strong or I feel like that.
ささやかな喜びを つぶれるほど抱きしめて
I want to hold a little piece of happiness as if it gonna be broken
こぼれそうな思い 汚れた手で書き上げた
My mind will be flood, so I wrote down it with dirty spelling.
I said I want you to throw the letter to you away right now
少しだけ眠い 冷たい水でこじあけて
I'm sleepy a bit, the cold water makes me awake.
今 せかされるように 飛ばされるように 通り過ぎてく
Now I'm going thorough like a I was hurried and blowed by someone
"愛してる"の響きだけで 強くなれる気がしたよ
"I love you" this makes me strong or I feel like that.
いつかまた この場所で 君とめぐり会いたい
I want to see you again in here someday
どんなに歩いても たどりつけない 心の雪でぬれた頬
Even if I walked so long way, I could never reach it. My cheek is wet coz snow in my mind.
悪魔のふりして 切り裂いた歌を 春の風に舞う花びらに変えて
I will change the song I torn up separately like a devil to flying flowers through spring wind.
君を忘れない 曲がりくねった道を行く
I will never forget you, I'm going on the wining road.
きっと 想像した以上に 騒がしい未来が僕を待ってる
I hope the more eventful future than I expected is waiting for me
"愛してる"の響きだけで 強くなれる気がしたよ
"I love you" this makes me strong or I feel like that.
ささやかな喜びを つぶれるほど抱きしめて
I want to hold a little piece of happiness as if it gonna be broken
I'm sure I can be fraud or serious and go on my way.
いつかまた この場所で 君とめぐり会いたい
I want to see you again in here someday