Sweet Charity Kamelia english translation

Sweet Charity Kamelia song lyrics
Sweet Charity Kamelia translation
Gugusan hari-hari

Indah bersamamu
Wonderful to be with you
Bangkitkan kembali
Rising back
Rinduku mengajakku
Longing me to take you
Ke sana
To there
Inginku berlari
I'm will running
Mengejar seribu bayangmu
A thousand shadows of you


Tak peduli kan ku terjah
No matter if I will face
Biar pun harus kutembus
If me also will facing
Padang ilalang
A grassland
Tiba-tiba langkahku terhenti
Suddenly my step was stopped
Sejuta tangan telah menahanku
A million of hand was hold me
Inginku maki mereka berkata
I want to insult but they said
Tak perlu kau menagih
You don't need to run

Mengejar mimpi tak pasti
To catch your unconvinced dream
Hari ini juga mimpi
Today it's also a dream
Maka biarkan ia datang
So let it go
Di hatimu...
in your heart
Di hatimu...
in your heart
Tiba-tiba langkahku terhenti
Suddenly my step was stopped
Sejuta tangan telah menahanku
A million of hand was hold me
Inginku maki mereka berkata
I want to insult but they said
Tak perlu kau menagih
You don't need to run
Mengejar mimpi tak pasti
To catch your unconvinced dream
Hari ini juga mimpi
Today it's also a dream
Maka biarkan ia datang
So let it go
Di hatimu...
in your heart
Di hatimu...
in your heart
Di hatimu...
in your heart
Di hatimu...
in your heart
Di hatimu...
in your heart