Tarkan Kir Zincirleri english translation

Tarkan Kir Zincirleri song lyrics
Tarkan Kir Zincirleri translation
Seninle son gecemiz bu
This is our last night together
Bu son sevismemiz belki de
This may be the last of us making love
Birak alev alsin bedenin
Let your body flame
Hissettigin gibi ol bu gece
Be what you feel tonight
Tüm oyunlari oynayalim sirayla
Let play all the games in order
Günaha bulanalim biteviye
Let's covered in sin ceaseless
Sss konusma hiç soru sorma
Hush don't speak don't ask any question
Sirlarimi kesfet bu gece
Discover my secrets tonight
Kir zincirlerini gel
Break your chains and come
Aska kanalim seninle
Let's be deceived by love together
Yum gözlerini
Close your eyes
Soluksuz uçalim göklerde
Let's fly into the sky breathless
Geriye sayim basladi
The countdown has started
Ayrilik ani çok yakin
The moment of seperation is too close
Birak tutussun bedenin
Let your body ignite
Tadina varalim her dakikanin
Let's relish every minute
Tüm yasaklari delelim
Let's pierce all the prohibitions
Yudum yudum içelim aski bu gece
Let's drink the love sip by sip tonight