Theo Hakola Bed of Rocks song lyrics

Theo Hakola Bed of Rocks song lyrics
I want to hide inside your heart
and drink the river rushing through it
I want to abide in the rapids running o'er your bones
and sink my teeth into your gushing spirit

Oh let me lie down in your bed of rocks
smoothed to silk by the hand of quick water
Let me lie down deep where the cutthroat sleep
in your arms, far away from the slaughter
I want to sleep in your blue velvet skin
pouring sweet like Bitterroot runoff
I want to breathe in the cool of your bottomless pool
‘tween your banks I want to ply your trough

Oh let me lie down in your bed of rocks
down in your beautiful body of water
Let me lie down deep where the cutthroat sleep
in your arms, far away from the slaughter

You're the Coeur d'Alene and Pritchard Creek
Your eddies ease my pain
and your falls rock me to sleep
You're the old Saint Joe and the Clearwater, baby
where I want to go, where I want to lay me...
Down where the North Fork
and the South Fork combine
in the crux where your serpentine arms intertwine
and the moon in your eyes makes your waters rise
to cleanse the soiled valley of every mill and mine

Oh darling this is the verse
I've been writing forever
This is all I could have said,
all I should have done better
when you asked me to dive in
and I said I didn't need to
and you said you were hungry
and I wouldn't even feed you
Oh let me lie down in your bed of rocks
smoothed to silk by the hand of quick water
Let me lie down deep where the cutthroat sleep
in your arms, I'll be safe from the slaughter