Tiago Iorc Sol que Faltava english translation

Tiago Iorc Sol que Faltava song lyrics
Tiago Iorc Sol que Faltava translation
Quando foi
When was
Quando foi a última vez
When was the last time
Que você
That you
Saiu sem ninguém notar?
You left without anyone noticing?
Sem ninguém te reparar?
No one notice you?
Onde foi
Where was
Onde foi a última vez
Where was the last time
Que você se deixou
You left
Livre sem se retocar
Free without brushing up yourself
Sem se instagramiar?
Whithout instagramiar?
É, é, é, é
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Era só o começo
It was just the beginning
Uma coisa boba
A silly thing
Era só para se mostrar
It was just for show
E num mar de tanta indiferença
And in a sea of so much indifference
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
E num mar de tanta indiferença
And in a sea of so much indifference
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
Quando foi
When was
Quando foi a última que você
When was the last you
Quis escutar?
wanted to listen?
Onde foi
Where was
Onde foi a última vez
Where was the last time
Que o instante deixou
That the moment left
Se fotografar?
If you shoot?
No teu olhar?
In your eyes?
E num mar de tanta indiferença
And in a sea of so much indifference
Era o Sol que faltava
It was the sun that was missing
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
E num mar de tanta indiferença
And in a sea of so much indifference
Era o Sol que faltava
It was the sun that was missing
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
E num mar
And in a sea
De tanta indiferença
So much indifference
Era o Sol que faltava
It was the sun that was missing
Era o Sol que faltava
It was the sun that was missing
E num mar
And in a sea
De tanta indiferença
So much indifference
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
Era o Sol que me faltava
It was the sun that was missing me
Era o Sol
Was the sun
Era o Sol
Was the sun