TK from 凛として時雨 Invalid Phrase english translation

TK from 凛として時雨 Invalid Phrase song lyrics
TK from 凛として時雨 Invalid Phrase translation
早回しした音の波に 連れ去られた聴感覚
My hearing was taken away by fast forwarded waves
The distant noises gently rocks my body
Through the silence

How many phrases have I held on to ?
抱えきれなくて 溶けてなくなった
I couldn't keep a hold of them and melted away

失くすことにまだ慣れてないから 時間を戻そうとした
I'm not prepared to lose it yet, I tried to turn back time
My memories left strange echoes
What am I supposed to think about ?

神様が僕をバラバラにして 1つずつ 1つずつ食べていくよ
God tore me apart and ate me piece by piece, He took away everything
何もかも奪われて途絶えても 覚えてるあの感触 覚えてる何もかも
and even after it was over, I remembered all the sensations
思い出すあの感動を 覚えてる いつまでも invalid phrase
I remember everything, I remember the sensations, and I will always remeber the invalid phrase

No matter how many truth I hold onto
I was still looking at the distant dreams

微かに見える ぼやけた残像に輪郭を思い出して
I could remeber it vaguely, the outline of the after image
I wanted to scream

鮮やかな未来を失くすことにまだ慣れてないから 自分を戻そうとした
I wasn't prepared to lose the vivid future yet, I tried to turn back myself
The noises from yesterday left vivid after image and I couldn't see by back anymore

神様が僕をバラバラにして 1つずつ 1つずつ食べていくよ
God tore me apart and ate me piece by piece, He took away everything
何もかも奪われて途絶えても 覚えてる?
And even after it was over, can I still remember ?
invalid truth invalid phrase
Invalid truth, invalid phrase

神様が僕をぐちゃぐちゃにして 少しずつ 少しずつ食べていくよ
God tore me apart and ate me piece by piece
何もかも奪われて途絶えても 覚えてるあの感触 覚えてる何もかも
and even after it was over, I remembered all the sensations
思い出すあの感動を 覚えてる いつまでも invalid phrase
I remember everything, I remember the sensations, and I will always remeber the invalid phrase