T.M.Revolution Out Of Orbit ~Triple ZERO~ english translation

T.M.Revolution Out Of Orbit ~Triple ZERO~ song lyrics
T.M.Revolution Out Of Orbit ~Triple ZERO~ translation
乗り込んで行こう 駆け出す運命へ
Board your destiny before it runs out. 
握り締めてきた夢だけが その瞬間に輝く
Just this dream makes the future seem to shine.
At what point did you begin to pay attention 
クロームの棘(とげ) 剥げ具合を
To the chrome thorns? 
You see the importance fade, 
While your love also becomes just as bare. 
捨て駒も尽きた手の このイヤな汗はなんだ?
What is this sweaty game of throwing it all away you continue to play? 
乗り込んで行こう 駆け出す運命に
Continue to board this destiny before it runs out. 
銀の風を切る 船で追いかけよう
Chase it in a boat that cuts the winds of silver. 
転がり続ける先の 保障なぞ必要ない
There's no need for this continuous puzzle to go on. 
握り締めてきた夢だけが その瞬間に輝く
Just this dream makes the future seem to shine.
You wouldn't do it if you thought you'd die, 
But being patient could kill you. 
Don't be modest about what you say. 
The raw truth is what makes it good. 
元を取れるパーティーは すぐにお開きにゃならない
Your parties will continue to be bad unless you work harder at them.
踏み込んでみよう 何処へでも遠くへ
Go where the distance won't be so depressing. 
境界線を知らずに 行けるのかい?
Without knowing the boundary line, can we go? 
ただキレイなものばかりを 漁るのはやめなよ
Stop searching for things that are nothing but beautiful. 
疵(きず)のつかないもの この世にない
Anything attached to this world will get hurt. 
焦(じ)れったがる魂が 旨い水欲しがってる
An irritated soul waits in the water, wishing and desiring for better things.
乗り込んで行こう 駆け出す運命に
Continue to board this destiny before it runs out. 
銀の風を切る 船で追いかけよう
Chase it in a boat that cuts the winds of silver. 
転がり続ける先が どうだって変わらない
Things will continue to be the way they were, without change.
握り締めてきた夢だけに その瞬間(とき)手が届く
I instantly reach for my dreams and clasp them tightly to myself.