ワルキューレ 一度だけの恋なら english translation

ワルキューレ 一度だけの恋なら song lyrics
ワルキューレ 一度だけの恋なら translation
一度だけの恋なら 君の中で遊ぼう
If this love can come only once,let's have some fun inside you
ワガママな キスをしよう
Let's share an indulgent kiss!
ひらひらと舞い散る この花を
The petals of flower
まだ 数え足りない 星空を
Dancing through the air
全てが君のせいだと 涙こらえても
The starry skies I've yet to finish counting
I can't tell anyone about this fluttering in my chest!
(届け) 壊れるまで (届け) 羽ばたくまで
(Send it out...) Until it breaks-(send it out...) Until it takes flight
(時の) 胸の奥に (果てに) 秘めた祈りを
(Until it end...) Delivering the prayer- (...of time) Bound within my heart!
感じるまま 信じるまま 何もかも飛ばせ
Following my feelings- following what I believe in- I'll send everything flying free
Soar! Soar! Soar!
一度だけの恋なら 君の中で遊ぼう
If this love can come only once,let's have some fun inside you
光より速くキスをしよう 待っててね
Let's share a kiss that's faster than the expanse of universe- just wait
忘れかけた体も ただ聞こえる心も
That body you've nearly forgotten...the heartbeat you can hear aloud
夢の中のシガラミなんて 飛び越えて
Go beyond all the things that limit this dream!
ほら 攫って 迫って このまま
C'mon and steal me away- get up close- just as you are
By the time lightning sears the night sky
My passion will be catching a flame
心と体はひとつ 思い知らされる
I'll be made aware that my mind and body are one
With an uneasiness I can't put up to words
(二人) 巡り会えた (二人) 探し会えた
The two of us... found one another the two of us...searched together
(闇に) 空(くう)に咲いた (光る) 君の命火
For the shining light of your life,blooming in the space of darkness
弾けるまま ひらめくまま ハート撃ち抜いて
While about to burst- while flashing bright- shoot right through my heart
bang! bang! bang!
二度とない激情を 君の夢で踊ろう
Within your dream,let's dance with a violent passion that will never come again
宇宙より大きく抱きしめて ぎゅっとして
Give me an embrace wider than the expanse of space- hold me oh so tight!
見せかけの強さより 名ばかりの絆より
Rather than putting on a show of strength... rather than bonds consisting only of words
同じ時を生き抜いてく 覚悟して
Commit yourself to living through each moment together!
ほら 奪って 縛って まだまだ
C'mon and take my freedom- tie me up- 'cause we're not done yet!
満ち足りた衝動を 離さないで
Don't let go of that ripened impulse
Come and catch me
Faster than you've ever gone before
一度だけの恋なら 君の中で遊ぼう
If this love can come only once,let's have some fun inside you
光より早くキスをしよう 待っててね
Let's share a kiss that's faster than light- just wait!
忘れかけた体も ただ聞こえる心も
That body you've nearly forgotten...the heartbeat you can hear aloud
夢の中のシガラミなんて 飛び越えて
Go beyond all the things that limit this dream!
ほら 攫って 迫って
C'mon and steal me away- get up close-
二度とない激情を 君の夢で踊ろう
Within your dream,let's dance with a violent passion that will never come again
宇宙(そら)より大きく抱き締めて ぎゅっとして
Give me an embrace wider than the expanse of space - hold me oh so tight
見せかけ強さより 名ばかりの絆より
Rather than putting on a show of strength... rather than bonds consisting only of words...
同じ時を生き抜いてく 覚悟して
Commit yourself to living through each moment together!
ほら 奪って 縛って まだまだ
C'mon and take my freedom- tie me up- 'cause we're not done yet!