中島みゆき 糸 english translation

中島みゆき 糸 song lyrics
中島みゆき 糸 translation
なぜ めぐり逢うのかを
Why are we fated to meet?
私たちは なにも知らない
We have no clue.
いつ めぐり逢うのかを
When are we fated to meet?
私たちは いつも知らない
We never know.

どこにいたの 生きてきたの
Where have you been? Are you alive?
遠い空の下 ふたつの物語
Living under the distant sky are two stories.

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
The horizontal thread is you The vertical one is me
織りなす布は いつか誰かを
The piece of cloth together we weaved
May someday keep somebody warm.

なぜ 生きてゆくのかを
Why do we keep living
迷った日の跡の ささくれ
As a trace of those lost days' relic?
The relic of those days when we tumbled down
ころんだ日の跡の ささくれ
While chasing our dreams.

こんな糸が なんになるの
What will become of these threads?
心許なくて ふるえてた風の中
Suffering and shivering in the wind

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
The horizontal thread is you The vertical one is me
織りなす布は いつか誰かの
The piece of cloth together we weaved
May someday heal somebody's wound.

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
The horizontal thread is you The vertical one is me
逢うべき糸に 出逢えることを
When two threads that are meant to be meet,
人は 仕合わせと呼びます
People call it 'fate.'