光良 女孩别哭 english translation

光良 女孩别哭 song lyrics
光良 女孩别哭 translation
女 孩 别 哭
Girls Don't Cry
Album : Will not seperate (Hong Kong Version)
Song Length : 04 Minutes and 16 seconds
Album Release : November 2017
猜猜 谁让你 的心痛
Guess who makes your heartache
谁让你的泪流 我能做什么
Who makes your tears, What can i do
轻轻 安慰你的心痛
Gently comfort your heartache
吹干你的伤口 自己痛却不能说出口
You can not speak out of your wounds
相遇的 不是时候 为何 我在他之后
It's not the time to meet me
只能当你的听众 谈心 的朋友 -
I can only be your listener and sharing friend
想哭的不是时候 总在 你受 伤之后
It's not always time to cry
我的泪 留着以后 再说 - -
My tears, Keep in mind later
女孩别哭 有什么难过 对我说 -
Girl don't cry, sadness that you have, tell it to me
女孩 别哭 我不愿看见 你泪流
Girl don't cry, i don't want to see your tears flow
忍住泪 就算一辈子我只能做你的朋 友
Hold back your tears, even if lifetime i can only be your friend
女孩 别哭 有眼泪让我 为你流 -
Girl don't cry, there is tears for me to flow for you

轻轻 安慰你的心痛
Gently comfort your heartache
吹干你的伤口 自己痛却不能说出口
You can not speak out of your wounds
相遇的 不是时候 为何 我在他之后
It's not the time to meet me
只能当你的听众 谈心 的朋友 -
I can only be your listener and sharing friend
想哭的不是时候 总在 你受 伤之后
It's not always time to cry
我的泪 留着以后 再说 - -
My tears, Keep in mind later
女孩别哭 有什么难过 对我说 -
Girl don't cry, sadness that you have, tell it to me
女孩 别哭 我不愿看见 你泪流
Girl don't cry, i don't want to see your tears flow
忍住泪 就算一辈子我只能做你的朋 友
Hold back your tears, even if lifetime i can only be your friend
女孩 别哭 有眼泪让我 为你流 -
Girl don't cry, there is tears for me to flow for you
Oh, oh, oh
女孩 别哭 他犯的错我来承受 -
Girl don't cry, he committed to me that he wrong to bear
女孩 别哭 我的手来掩 你的痛
Girl don't cry, My hand will cover your pain
忍住泪 就算一辈子我只能做你的朋 友
Hold back your tears, even if lifetime i can only be your friend
女孩 别哭 有眼泪让我 为你流 - -
Girl don't cry, there is tears for me to flow for you
女孩 别哭 - 喔 - -
Girl don't cry - Oh - -
女孩 别哭 - 喔 - -
Girl don't cry - Oh - -
女孩 别哭 - 喔 - -
Girl don't cry - Oh - -
女孩 别哭 - 喔 - -
Girl don't cry - Oh - -
女孩 别哭 - 喔 - -
Girl don't cry - Oh - -
女孩 别哭 - 喔 - -
Girl don't cry - Oh - -