和田光司 The Biggest Dreamer english translation

和田光司 The Biggest Dreamer song lyrics
和田光司 The Biggest Dreamer translation
Wanna be the Biggest Dreamer
Wanna be the biggest dreamer
Running full speed through both the future and the present
そう 僕は気づいたんだ ずっと宿題忘れてた
That's right, I've realized it,I forgot to do my homework
それはひとつの??? 「僕は誰なんだろう?」
That's one puzzle, puzzle, puzzle,"Who am I?"
Even if I slideand skin my knees
すぐ立ち上がらなきゃ チャンスは逃げてゆく分かってるさ
I've gotta stand right back up, or else my chance will run away, I know
Big and Bigger, Biggest Dreamer!
Big and bigger, biggest dreamer
Dreaming is the start of everything that's the answer
誰より遠くへ飛んで見せるよ すべての明日を貫いて
I'll fly farther than anyone through all the tomorrows
地平線まで飛んでゆけ 羽をもらった勇気たち
Fly to the horizon,our courage has gained wings
強く大きくなるために 僕も走りだそう
In order to grow big and strong,I'll run too
For a long time I've heard the count down
準備はできてるさ 今すぐはじめようゼロに変われ!
I'm prepared,let's start now, change into zero!
Big and Bigger, Biggest Dreamer!
Big and bigger, biggest dreamer
If we can't believe, we'll disappear into the twinkling instant
ココロの標的そらさず走れ すべてのチカラぶつけよう
I'll run, not turning away from my heart's target,And strike with all my power
Big and Bigger, Biggest Dreamer!
Big and bigger, biggest dreamer
Dreaming is the start of everything that's the answer
誰より遠くへ飛んで見せるよ すべての明日を貫いて
I'll fly farther than anyone through all the tomorrows
Big and Bigger, Biggest Dreamer!
Big and bigger, biggest dreamer
Dreaming is the start of everything that's the answer
誰より遠くへ飛んで見せるよ すべての明日を貫いて
I'll fly farther than anyone through all the tomorrows
Big and Bigger, Biggest Dreamer!
Big and bigger, biggest dreamer
夢見るコトがすべてはじまり それが答えだろ
Dreaming is the start of everything that's the answer
Wanna be the Biggest Dreamer
Wanna be the biggest dreamer
Running full speed through both the future and the present