志方あきこ 透明ノスタルジア english translation

志方あきこ 透明ノスタルジア song lyrics
志方あきこ 透明ノスタルジア translation
透明な風が 吹き抜けて
The transparent wind is blowing through
葉音(はおと)たちが ささめきあう
I can hear the sound of rustling leaves is whispering
ほら探そう いつかの失くし物
Let's search for our lost things!

不揃いな笑顔が 滲んで
My memories are loosening,
木霊(こだま)のよう 響きあう
resounding like echo
記憶が ほどけてゆく
blurred by a odd smile

花びら ふわり
Flower petals gently fall

空の蒼に舞い上がり 溶けた
Soar high and dissolve towards the azure sky
ずっと守りたくて 切に信じてた
They also take away those beloved days
I've been believed and protected with all my might

めぐりめぐる 時の中で
In this spinning cycle of time
My wish is nothing but one
木洩れ陽がそっと ただ寄り添うように
To be cuddled gently by the sunlight filtering through trees that always close by my side

とめどなく涙 溢れるのは
My tears are flowing endlessly
このセカイが やさしいから
Because this world is so kind to me
あのあたたかな キセキを
Hey, i already felt
ねえ 僕はもう 知ってる
the warmth of the miracle, too

哀しみの闇に 飲まれても
Even the darkness of melancholy engulfed my body
僕はもう ひとりじゃない
I realized, i'm not alone anymore
手を伸ばす 手を繋ぐ また何度でも
I'll stretch out my hands, I'll connect out hands again and again

遠い願いのカケラが 揺れる
Thre fragments of distant hope are trembling
強く儚く微笑(わら)う 光る想い出と
Not for a long time yet, so strong
消えない希望 乗せて
They send out a ray of smiling memories along with indelible hopes

まわれまわれ 時を超え
Let it spin and go around surprass the time and space
hey, i want to dedicate
ねえ 大好きな 君に捧げたいよ
This bouquet of gratitude to you, my beloved one

いま心が 震えるのは
Now my heart is trembling
うれしいから 生きてるから
because i glad, i'm alive
さあ一緒に 未来へ帰ろう
lets go back together to future

透き通った光の中 虹色の魚が泳ぐ
There's a raimbow-colored fish swim inside the transparent light.
レース編みの尾ひれ翻し 何処へ?
Where does it go with it knitted lace fin?

I have found our lost things