橋本環奈 セーラー服と機関銃 english translation

橋本環奈 セーラー服と機関銃 song lyrics
橋本環奈 セーラー服と機関銃 translation
"Goodbye" isn't a word of parting
再び逢うまでの 遠い約束
A faraway promise for until you meet again 

"Goodbye" isn't a word of parting
再び逢うまでの 遠い約束
A faraway promise for until you meet again 
夢のいた場所に 未練残しても
Even if I leave my lingering affections in a place I went in my dreams 
My heart just feels cold

このまま何時間でも 抱いていたいけど
Though I want to embrace you like this, no matter how many hours it takes
ただこのまま 冷たい頬を あたためたいけど
I just want to stay like this and warm your frozen cheeks 

The split-second bustle of the city 
Passion existing within a concrete cage 
君がめぐり逢う 愛に疲れたら
If you happen to tire of loves you only meet by chance 
Be sure to return to me 

愛した男たちを 想い出に替えて
The men I've loved, exchanging our memories for others
いつの日にか 僕のことを想い出すがいい
Someday, it'd be nice if they remembered me
ただ心の片隅にでも 小さくメモして
Even if just in a corner of their heart, they made a small note of me 

スーツケース いっぱいにつめこんだ
A suitcase stuffed full 
Of the heavy burden called "hope" 
You hold it so carelessly, I would surely take it for you
Then you could smile, I suppose 

愛した男たちを かがやきに替えて
The men I've loved, replacing our brilliance with that of others 
いつの日にか 僕のことを想い出すがいい
Someday, it'd be nice if they remembered me
ただ心の片隅にでも 小さくメモして
Even if just in a corner of their heart, they made a small note of me